
Showing posts with label teabaggers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teabaggers. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Is Racism Dead?

It seems that 'protesting while black' is a crime in 'merica.

This is so disturbing!

According to the survey taken, Michael Brown’s SKIN was his SIN. Unarmed, running away, surrendering doesn’t mean a DAMN thing. Whites in St Louis County says Darren Wilson was justified for shooting down Michael Brown. It makes you wonder about who is on that Grand Jury.

1. Was Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson justified in shooting Michael Brown?
Whites: Yes (62%)
Blacks: No (65%)

2. Who is most responsible for the violence in Ferguson after Michael Brown’s death?
46 percent of whites blame organized street gangs for the looting and chaos that gripped Ferguson for days after the shooting. Blacks blame law enforcement and community activists, both with 27 percent. Only 7 percent of whites said law enforcement was to blame.

3. Was Michael Brown targeted by Officer Darren Wilson because of his race?
Whites: No (77 %)
Blacks: Yes (64%)

4. Should Officer Darren Wilson be arrested and charged with a crime?
Whites: No (72%)
Blacks: Yes (71%)

5. Can Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch fairly prosecute the criminal case against Officer Darren Wilson?
Whites: Yes (71%)
Blacks: No (60%)

This should come as no surprise. McCulloch has been reelected to his post for decades by the county’s majority-white voting base, while black community leaders have organized protests, boycotts and a highway shutdown to get him thrown off the case.

6. Do police target black people because of their race?
White: No (61%)
Black: Yes (70%)

Read more about it here: Opinions on Ferguson violence

The full study is here: Ferguson Public Opinion

Until some people get over the idea that 'white is right' we will continue to have this problem. But as long as we have hate organizations like Fox Faux News that cater to the low information, mouth breathing knuckle draggers that make up the reTHUGlican, CONservative Teabagger Party we can look forward to more of this bullshit.

Thank you for visiting.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Secret Quarter-Billion-Dollar Koch Brothers Political Operation Revealed


If Democrats had done this all the damn Right Wing Nuts,Teabaggers and every conservative in the country would be screaming about voter fraud, vote fixng, illegal funding or whatever Fox News, Pedophile Drug Addict OxyRush Limbaugh, Glen "Cry Baby" Beck told them to get mad about.

There would be crying and gnashing of teeth while yelling for IMPEACHMENT, RECALL ELECTIONS, and any other means they could think of to get Democrats out of office.
>>>>, the Washington insider website, has the money-in-politics scoop of the year: It has unmasked a previously unknown political money laundering operation, set up by the energy billionaires and libertarian Koch brothers, that raised $256 million and secretly spent almost all of it last year against Democrats.
The fact that secretive right-wingers could amass and spend a quarter-billion dollars in a presidential election cycle and go undetected under federal campaign finance law is an astounding indictment of the American electoral system, revealing that all the laws intending to inform the public about who is slinging political mud are meaningless. The mockery goes even further when considering the section of the federal tax code the group is operating under: 501(c)6. That designation is for trade associations, which lets the group conceal its donors.
The last sentence says it all.

"In other words, a new era of class warfare in America is just beginning.

I'm beginning to fear more and more for the common ordinary people of America and for America's future.

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, June 7, 2013

President Decides To Skip D-Day Speech.

President Bush that is.

  He only gave 2 D-Day speeches in the 8 years that he was Cheney's and Rummy's puppet. But the Breitfart blog fails to say anything about that.He also neglected to say anything about Romney not making a speech last year even though he was running for President. Guess the white guys get a free pass.

  In 2001, Bush spoke at the dedication of the National D-Day Memorial. In 2004, he and French president Jacques Chirac marked the 60th anniversary of D-Day at the American Cemetery in Normandy.

In 2008, however, if you scroll down to June 6, you see that Bush gave interviews to reporters from French, Italian, and Slovenian TV; he sent Congress a message warning about dangers in Belarus; he commemorated Flag Day and National Flag Week; he swore in a new HUD secretary; he signed a law "which makes miscellaneous changes to laws relating to the Federal Aid Highway, Mass Transit, and Highway Safety Programs"; and he participated in a panel on China earthquake relief. Nothing about D-Day.

There's nothing about D-Day on June 6, 2007, or June 6, 2006, or June 6, 2005. (Bush did celebrate Black Music Month at the White House on June 6, 2005; good thing Obama didn't try that.) 2003? Nothing. 2002? Nothing. (We did get an "Executive Order Amendment to Executive Order 13180, Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization," on June 6, 2002, but nothing about D-Day.)
Check out what a supposed Christian thinks about President Obama.

Idioy teabaggers00
Breitfart shitheads keep the hate going.
  Ok you racist fucks, I direct your attention to President George W. Bush's archived White House Web site. Go here. In the left column, click on June for each Bush's presidential years.

  I doubt that any of you will because that means you would have to put down the crack pipe and or Mad Dog and learn something you stupid bastards.

  So just go on your merry way you dipshits, we need the material.


Don't forget to salute your flag.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Over 400,000 votes in Az have NOT yet been counted! Maybe 600000+

The story broke this morning and the estimate was 400,000. It’s now being predicted that it’s up to 600,000+

Petra Falcon, executive director of Promise Arizona, said she was told that 200,000 provisional ballots were cast, as well as 200,000 early ballots. She said counting of those votes will not even begin until this morning and she feared the Maricopa County sheriff’s race would be called before then. And it was, with Sheriff Joe Arpaio beating Democrat Paul Penzone to win his sixth term in office.
“Four hundred thousand ballots — that’s a lot,” Falcon said. “Even if it’s an Arpaio win, those votes should be counted.”
Roopali Desai, Promise Arizona’s attorney, said the number of provisional ballots is “unprecedented” in Arizona — or anywhere. “Nobody can explain it,” she added. “We’re trying to get to the bottom of it.”

If you are in Arizona, Please sign!!!!
I saw this on Democratic Underground.
If the bastards can’t win national elections without cheating maybe they can win states or locals.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

O’Donnell slams Des Moines Register endorsement of Mitt as ‘magical thinking’

Reblogged from MSNBC:

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell accused The Des Moines Register of “adopting Mitt Romney’s magical thinking” by endorsing the Republican candidate for president.

In the Rewrite segment on Tuesday’s edition of The Last Word, he called their decision one of the “most embarrassing endorsements in the history of that newspaper.”
His bone to pick with the Iowa paper’s editorial board revolved around how they argued the case for Romney, not their specific choice of candidate.

O'Donnell rips the Register to pieces using what the rethugs fear and don't understand the most so they (rethugs) don't use them...facts and truth.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Details Of Romney’s Tax Plan

My arthritis in my hands has been so bad for several days it’s been hard to press the stupid keys.
But I had to share this.
It will make the whole plan clear.
I can’t even take the most effective drugs because of reactions to them.
I think the worst thing that happens, is when my leg that has venous stasis, just starts oozing blood through the skin.
OTC works just as well as most scripts that I can take.
Well, enjoy the tax plan.
Pretty good debate tonight.
IMHO President Obama won. I don’t think Mittens was happy when he was called out on things he said that weren’t true.

That is not a happy camper.
Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh Boy! Secret Ryan Tape: He describes Social Security & Medicare as “collectivist” & “socialistic.”


I notice that nowhere did Lyin' Ryan mention that he collected social security after his dad died, as did his hero Rand when she got old and sick.

Those dickhead, hypocrite bastards.



This is the event where Ryan stated that Rand was the “one thinker” who is the “reason I got involved in public service;” and that Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are “required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.”  Statements he would latter dismiss as “urban legends.”
The speech has been hidden in plain sight on the Atlas Society website, which offers only a partial transcript.  This omits several revealing passages that illuminate Ryan’s philosophy as it relates to policy priorities.

It is impossible to summarize these statements without sounding like a breathless conspiracy theorist.  Here’s what Ryan says.  Don’t trust my bullets.  Read the transcript.  Don’t trust my transcript, listen to the audio on the Atlas Society site.
(Just scroll to the bottom of the text about Ryan (above), and you'll see a grey icon of a speaker and an arrow. Click on the arrow and the audio will play. The grey audio player is located directly above the golden star rating.)

  • Ryan describes Social Security and Medicare as “collectivist” and “socialistic.” 

  • Ryan’s strategic plan:  privatize Social Security and Medicare in order to convert people from “collectivism” to believers in a “individualist capitalist” philosophy.  So that there will be “more people on our team” who “won’t listen to” Democrats. 

  • Ryan’s acceptance of Pinochet’s Secretary of Social Security José Piñera’s similar program of Social Security privatization as a “moral revolution” that made Marxists into capitalists who started to read the Chilean equivalent of the Wall Street Journal.  Ryan is overheard, “Yeah”  “That’s right.”

    For Ryan “defined benefit” programs such as Social Security and Medicare are problems in themselves. This isn’t something he saves for gatherings of the Ayn Rand Society, such concerns about “dependency” are scattered throughout his Path to Prosperity—again hidden in plain sight. This transcript doesn’t so much reveal a secret, as highlight a clear theme in his policy rationale that is always present, but in more public settings subordinated to his prophecies of fiscal apocalypse. Thus, it is no surprise his budget cuts the safety net and radically reshapes Medicare first and addresses the deficit later.


    In the published transcript Ryan states that like Rand, he views all political and policy questions as battle between individualism and collectivism.

    (2:38) In almost every fight we are involved in here, on Capitol Hill, whether it’s an amendment vote that I’ll take later on this afternoon, or a big piece of policy we’re putting through our Ways and Means Committee, it is a fight that usually comes down to one conflict: individualism vs. collectivism.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Todd Akin (R) Missouri on “legitimate rape” and abortion.


This is a subject that I’m very passionate about for very personal reasons involving my first wife (before we were married) and a female friend. It probably had something to do with my first divorce. I was young, selfish and stupid. Which when reflecting on it over the years, was most likely the main reason we separated. I’m still friendly with her family and on good terms with her. Her brother was our best man and still one of my closest friends. We had two sons during the 8yrs. that we were married and the divorce went pretty smooth. I married my current wife in May 1983 and she gets along with them too. My wife’s family and the ex’s have been in this part of Ohio since it was first settled and every body pretty much knows every body.

WARNING!Before You go any further I must caution you that there is some very strong language in this post. I’ll not apologize for the language because I believe that the Tea Party as a whole deserve no dignified discourse because of how it has acted and portrayed itself since it’s inception. And as individuals many, if not most, deserve even less. That thinking is not just from what I’ve read or heard but also from personal experience. With the exception of two republican/Tea party friends, all of the conservatives (friends and relatives) that I know have gone off the deep end. They parrot fox, rush, hannity, beck and everyone that doesn’t agree with them is an anti-american socialist. Even the ones on SS, medicare, medicaid and food stamps. Two of them are having trouble with their health insurance denying them treatment and coverage and they are saying that it’s Obama’s fault. My 72yr. old aunt says that she’s afraid that an Obamacare “death panel” is going to deny her treatment for an ailment or illness that hasn’t happened to her yet. But she’s collecting that SS and getting treatment through medicare and medicaid for several chronic conditions that she has. Her scripts are costing her less. She didn’t know why and when I told her why…SHE …DIDN’T…BELIEVE …ME!!  A couple of her 13 kids (yes, 13) have bragged about the insurance rebate check that they recently received. But every single one of them is a teabagger. But they can’t be racist because one of the daughters dates a black man. They bring it up every chance they get. Just not when he’s around.

Honest to The Great Spaghetti Monster I’m telling the truth about them. They are bizarre! Their disconnect and lack of empathy for anyone outside of their immediate family is un-freaking-real.

If I wasn’t part of it I don’t know if I would believe it if I heard it.

But I digress. Once again, there is strong language.

“It seems to me first of all from what I understand from doctors that’s really rare,” Akin said of a rape victim’s chances of becoming pregnant. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
He also said he would prefer that punishment for rape be focused on the rapist and not “attacking the child.”

Akin said in an e-mailed statement later Sunday that he “misspoke” during the interview, though the statement did not say specifically which points.
“In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it’s clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year,” Akin’s statement said.”
“According to a 1996 study by The Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, approximately 32,000 pregnancies result from rape annually in the United States, and about 5 percent of rape victims are impregnated. “Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency,” the study says, according to an abstract.”
Ohhh, he ‘misspoke”. Well then… everything is alright.
If the teabaggers talk like that in public or on a public tv show…What do they say or how do they act when there are no cameras or reporters around?
I personally believe that this attack on women’s rights by the teabaggers and rethugs is not so much about health or babies as it is about regaining and having control over women that they perceive to have lost over the past 100yrs. or so. I think that they are a bunch of frightened, scared shitbags.
Not to mention that there is a “DEMOCRAT” in “their” White House.
While doing research for the above I ran across this. I had completely forgotten about it. I wonder if Rmoney knew about this when he picked Ryan? I think he did but didn’t think it would come up. Along with their budget plan this could really bite them in the ass.

How Todd Akin And Paul Ryan Partnered To Redefine Rape.

Article Here

“Last year, Akin joined with GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as two of the original co-sponsors of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill which, among other things, introduced the country to the bizarre term “forcible rape.”

Federal law prevents federal Medicaid funds and similar programs from paying for abortions. Yet the law also contains an exception for women who are raped. The bill Akin and Ryan cosponsored would have narrowed this exception, providing that only pregnancies arising from “forcible rape” may be terminated. Because the primary target of Akin and Ryan’s effort are Medicaid recipients — patients who are unlikely to be able to afford an abortion absent Medicaid funding — the likely impact of this bill would have been forcing many rape survivors to carry their rapist’s baby to term. Michelle Goldberg explains who Akin and Ryan would likely target:
Under H.R. 3, only victims of “forcible rape” would qualify for federally funded abortions. Victims of statutory rape—say, a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 30-year-old man—would be on their own. So would victims of incest if they’re over 18. And while “forcible rape” isn’t defined in the criminal code, the addition of the adjective seems certain to exclude acts of rape that don’t involve overt violence—say, cases where a woman is drugged or has a limited mental capacity. “It’s basically putting more restrictions on what was defined historically as rape,” says Keenan.
Although a version of this bill passed the GOP-controlled House, the “forcible rape” language was eventually removed due to widespread public outcry. Paul Ryan, however, believes that the “forcible rape” language does not actually go far enough to force women to carry their rapist’s baby. Ryan believes that abortion should be illegal in all cases except for “cases in which a doctor deems an abortion necessary to save the mother’s life.” So rape survivors are out of luck.
And, of course, as we learned today, Akin isn’t even sure that “legitimate” rape survivors can get pregnant in the first place.
Akin isn’t sure because he has shit for brains. How do these batshitinsane assholes get elected. 6 TIMES!!!!
I’m hoping that the democrats don’t let this go. They need to beat the rethugs to death with this.
The teapublicans keep screaming about what is taken out of context from President Obama’s speeches or what Vice-President Biden says 24/7. Even though they have said the same, and even worse things.
The dems keep getting ammunition to put the rethugs and teabaggers handed to them on a silver platter.
All they have to do is use it.

If you read all of this rant.
Thank you.
If I offended anyone I hope it was the ones that deserved it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Waaaahh!!! Obama is running such a vicious campaign

“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.” – Adlai Stevenson

I love that quote. I use that general idea and paraphrase it when I’m talking to my rethug, con, teabagger relatives when they are blathering on about how President Obama is soooo bad. It’s like listening to hannity, Oxyrush, ‘has anyone seen my Vicks’ crybaby beck or faux news.

Harry Truman had a good one too.

“I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.”
LOL. It still works.

Living in Ohio without cable or sat tv has been hell these past few months and I don’t look forward to the next few. Thank goodness for PBS and the interwebs.

All the democrats have to do is to continue to point out the policies that the norquist/koch brothers/adelson/teabagger republicans are for. If they keep that up and don’t go off target they will win not only the presidency but both houses as well.

The rethugs are already back on their heels flailing about. The pressure of the truth vs their lies just needs to be kept up on them.

I know that the dems have done the same thing but not to the extent of right wing.

Does that make it right? No. But I’m gad that the dems aren’t taking it lying down any more and are starting to give as good or better than they have been getting.
 Article posted with permission.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Noooo...They're not racist.


The asshole that put up the sign is an 85 year old white man that seems to have forgotten all the destruction that 'der monkey fuhrer' and his handlers did to the middle east and our country. Not to mention the image of the U.S. during their terms of mismanagement.