
Showing posts with label The Enemies of America (Tea) Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Enemies of America (Tea) Party. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Atta Boy Darrell!!! Keep Those IRS Investigations Going!

The Grand Obstuctionist Party in action.

The jackholes aren't going to stop trying to get that 'uppity boy' out of "THEIR WHITE HOUSE".

And this is the guy that is going after him? With a rap sheet like this he couldn't get a job at McDonalds.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday became the latest Republican to reject Darrell Issa's comments that White House press secretary Jay Carney is a "paid liar" in relation to the IRS controversy. But Graham went further than his Republican colleagues, saying there's no evidence that the White House ordered the tax agency to target conservative groups.

During an interview with "Kilmeade and Friends" on Fox News Radio, Graham said Issa, a California Republican, was a key player in investigating the matter as the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. But, he conceded, "you can go too far" with personal allegations.

On Sunday, Issa accused the White House of ordering the IRS to target conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status in 2012, even though a 48-page report by the IRS Inspector General and testimony from multiple IRS officials cleared the White House of any involvement. Issa has nonetheless insisted IRS agents were being "ordered from Washington." He specifically directed his criticism at Carney, who has maintained the administration played no role in the targeting and only learned of the matter once an investigation was complete.

One can only hope that they keep investigating, even in the face of evidence that there is or was nothing to warrant such an investigation.

To bad the republicans have been taken over by the teabaggers.

What a bunch of putzes.


Thank you for visiting.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Waaaahh!!! Obama is running such a vicious campaign

“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.” – Adlai Stevenson

I love that quote. I use that general idea and paraphrase it when I’m talking to my rethug, con, teabagger relatives when they are blathering on about how President Obama is soooo bad. It’s like listening to hannity, Oxyrush, ‘has anyone seen my Vicks’ crybaby beck or faux news.

Harry Truman had a good one too.

“I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.”
LOL. It still works.

Living in Ohio without cable or sat tv has been hell these past few months and I don’t look forward to the next few. Thank goodness for PBS and the interwebs.

All the democrats have to do is to continue to point out the policies that the norquist/koch brothers/adelson/teabagger republicans are for. If they keep that up and don’t go off target they will win not only the presidency but both houses as well.

The rethugs are already back on their heels flailing about. The pressure of the truth vs their lies just needs to be kept up on them.

I know that the dems have done the same thing but not to the extent of right wing.

Does that make it right? No. But I’m gad that the dems aren’t taking it lying down any more and are starting to give as good or better than they have been getting.
 Article posted with permission.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama Is ‘Outsourcing’ Jobs To Nebraska!

Not Nebraska!!!!!

President Obama is 'outsourcing' jobs all the way to that far off foreign country of Nebraska?
Doesn't he know that he needs to keep the jobs here in 'merica?

Or doesn't that tool Ed Gillespie know the difference between contracting and outsourcing?
The President should be sending money and jobs to The Caymen Islands, India and China like 'Dog-On-Roof Rmoney has done.


Mitt Romney’s campaign is responding to evidence that Bain Capital invested in companies that sent American jobs overseas by accusing the Obama administration of “outsourcing” telemarketing jobs to Omaha, Nebraska.

During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Romney adviser Ed Gillespie continued the campaign’s dubious strategy of schooling reporters on the difference between “outsourcing” and “offshoring” jobs, insisting that a Washington Post investigation — which found that Romney’s company “invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India” — misunderstood the complicated business jargon.

Gillespie said that he was “not aware” if companies tied to Bain shipped jobs overseas, before adding, “what happened in the story as near I can tell is that the reporter confused the notion of outsourcing.” “Now a lot of American companies outsource, they outsource domestically,” he said, noting that the Obama campaign outsources jobs to Nebraska and CNN contracts out video editing projects.

The hate for President Obama has/is turning the rethugs even more insane.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Powerful congressman accused of campaign finance violations

Now if only a Democrat would get up the backbone to start going after the GOP rat bastards as hard as the rethuglicans go after the Dems.
Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan, a self-made Florida millionaire, is only in his third term in Congress, but he already is in charge of fundraising for the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, and he sits on the powerful House Ways and Means committee.

But all that could be jeopardized. Federal investigations underway could result in Buchanan serving his next term behind bars.

CNN has confirmed there are no fewer than four congressional and federal investigations into Buchanan's business practices, his campaign finances and his alleged attempt to try to stop a witness from talking.

Now that witness is stepping forward in an exclusive interview with CNN. Buchanan's former business partner says the congressman schemed to launder money from his car dealerships into his campaign coffers, and then tried to get others to cover it up.

Burn! Baby Burn! all right now....Burn! Baby Burn!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sign uses racial slur to refer to President

WARNING!!!  There is strong language and subject matter in this post. I don't apologize for it. Like the guy that owns the bar, I'm just practicing free speech.

 This just in: racists remain racist. Local news, HuffPo, and MSNBC's The Ed Show have reported on the shocking roadside sign below, but the bar's website (above) includes a collection of past signs, a horribly dated mouse trail effect, and the inability to correctly spell the word "original." All very troubling. (screenshot below courtesy Fox News Atlanta)

PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. - Residents are upset about a sign in Paulding County that uses a racial slur to refer to President Barack Obama.
The sign, in front of the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar on Highway 113, uses the n-word to refer to President Obama.
"This world is supposed to be a peaceful world, not a world with hatred. This shouldn't be here today," said Carl Norman.
"He needs to wake up and realize it's 2012," said Dexter Murr.
Bar owner Patrick Lanzo says he's posted controversial signs outside his bar and restaurant for 26 years and says he's practicing free speech.
"I say just because you're offended by it doesn't mean you don't have the right to say something just the opposite," said Lanzo.
Lanzo said he doesn't feel any remorse over the sign.
"I don't feel bad about anything whatsoever. Therefore, they can go out and put their own sign in their own yard and I will not be offended," said Lanzo.
A list of house rules inside of Lanzo's bar lists one of the rules as 'no foul language.'
Residents of the small Draketown community had a mixed response.
"Everybody's entitled to own thought, it's not something I'd put in front of mine, but everybody's got their own opinions about everything," said Sherry Roew.
Some said they were afraid of the perception the sign gives Paulding County.
"I think it's terrible," said Carol Zimmerman.
Paulding County Administrator Mike Jones says he's well aware of the sign and considers it repulsive, embarrassing and offensive. He says if there was something they could do about it, it wouldn't be there.

He says that he is practicing free speech. Good for him. Thank goodness for free speech. With it I can say that I don't support the god damned, rat bastard,asshole son-of-a-bitch, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, inbred, waste of flesh redneck that owns that bar.

In honor of the dipshit that owns the bar, other stupid rednecks(not the smart ones), and the kkk.
 Maybe this is what's wrong with him.

Awww...ain't that a nice picture. A real father and son moment. Mom is probably the young boys' sister and would probably be in the photo if she wasn't having sex with his other brother.
Here's his grandparents.

 6 pack abs. They sure know how to impress the wimens.
 And it only took me 4 years of third grade to learn those 3 letters.

Redneck birth control. 
Where do stupid rednecks come from?
I would be remiss if I forgot their flag. 
I started this post over two hours ago and I'm still just as mad as when I started. I could go on and on about how stupid I think some rednecks are. 

I have rednecks in my family but none are as stupid as the ones in this article.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Whose kids are going to pay for the Bush stimulus packages?

I keep hearing the republicans and teabaggers complaining about how it's the future children that are going to pay for President Obama's stimulus and the AHCA.

What I don't hear or didn't hear when it was happening was...

Whose kids are going to pay for the first bush stimulus package in 2001? 
Whose kids are going to pay for the 2001 and 2003 bush tax cuts that totaled 2.5 trillion dollars?

Whose kids are going to pay for the unfunded bush prescription drug plan?

Whose kids are going to pay for 2 unfunded, illegal wars. One that we are still trying to claw our way out of.

Whose kids are going to pay for the bush $18 billion auto bailout?
President Bush has approved a $17.4 billion auto bailout, with $13.4 billion in emergency loans to prevent the collapse of GM and Chrysler and another $4 billion to be handed out in February. 

Whose kids are going to pay for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)  signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 3, 2008.

Bush: TARP Bailout Needed to Avoid Depression

"But the former president stuck with his view that TARP Bailout Nation was necessary to avert a depression. And although there were other voices with different solutions inside his administration, he said there was no time for theoretical discussion."

Whose kids are going to pay for the surplus that was left by President Clinton that was wiped out in the first year of the bush boondoggle?
Are there different kids that pay for the bush deficit and others for the Obama deficit.

If it is the same kids paying for both deficits, where was the hue and cry when bush was spending money like a drunken sailor?

What's the difference?

I mean other than the bush deficit coming from tax cuts for the rich and the previously mentioned stimuli, wars, etc. and the Obama deficit coming from trying to keep the country from going bankrupt and keeping the job market from going down the toilet.

While at the same time trying to run a country while the republican/tea party obstructionists fight him every step of the way on almost everything that he proposes.

What's the difference?

The republicans know the difference. The tea party knows the difference.

And America is waking up and realizing what is going on.

America is hearing it in the way the republicans/tea party talk, and seeing it in their actions.

America is getting tired of it.

That realization is what will keep President Obama as president and put democrats in control of congress and increase their control of the senate.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good. Partiotic. Christian. Conservatives.

What is "GOOD"?
What is "PATRIOTIC"?
What is "CHRISTIAN"?

   I thought I knew what those words meant. Maybe I don't. Because after reading an article about what Tara Servatius wrote about statements made by President Obama regarding same sex marriage in North Carolina, and statements that others have made about the president since he was, and even before he was elected.
   Maybe I don't. Maybe those words mean this.
What is Good. Patriotic. or Christian. about this picture? Or more to the point. What is Good. Patriotic. or Christian, about the person that posted the picture?

This is a picture posted by Tara Servatius. She was so proud of it that she posted it on her Facebook page. It has since been taken down from her Facebook page and from the John Locke Foundation website. But they weren't fast enough. Above is the picture from the website and here is a screen grab from her Facebook.
 Link to a better pic.
   They are so proud of it that they scrubbed it from all the sites that they have control over.
    "The John Locke Foundation is funded in large part by conservative millionaire Art Pope, which is why the website Art Pope Exposed managed to catch the racist, homophobic image, called "Obama Gay" before the Foundation took it down."

   And she has resigned.Maybe she can get a job writing for The John Birch Society.

Start them out young.

    As parents, they can hope their children do better than them.
Maybe even surpassing them by doing more than the parents accomplished.

Although the bar has been set pretty high, there is hope for the up-and-comers with the leaders and talking heads of the republican party preaching for the killing of democrats.

  • Rush Limbaugh: "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus – living fossils – so we will never forget what these people stood for."

  •  Senator Phil Gramm: "We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."

  • Rep. James Hansen on Bill Clinton: Get rid of the guy. Impreach him, censure him, assassinate him."

  •  John Derbyshire intimated in the National Review that because Chelsea Clinton had "the taint," she should "be killed."

  • Ann Coulter: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."

  •  Rep. John Sullivan (R) OK, said this;
"I supported the Paul Ryan budget and sent it over to the Senate. Now I live with some Senators, I yell at them all the time, I grabbed one of them the other day and shook him and I’d love to get them to vote for it — boy I’d love that. You know but other than me going over there with a gun and holding it to their head and maybe killing a couple of them, I don’t think they’re going to listen unless they get beat." 

   Yup, there's nothing like talking about killing someone to get your point across if they don't agree with you on something.

   So keep up the violent talk, keep up the attack on women's rights and keep up your lies about how the country is continuing to go downhill and how the economy is getting worse.
   Keep up the denials of racism and that you hope the country fails just so President Obama isn't re-elected even if it means another recession for the country or possibly even the world.
   More and more people in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world are seeing you for what you are. We are looking behind the curtain and we don't like what we see.

   Unfortunately, more and more there seems to be more violent talk coming from the republican conservatives these days. But not do they seem not to care, more often than not, they double down on the crazy talk like they are in a contest to see who can out crazy the other.

And that is what seems to define the conservative movement these days.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Georgia Rep Wants To Force Women To Carry Stillborn Babies To Term

Link Here

"In today’s news about more men who want to control women’s bodies, Georgia’s state representative, Terry England, wants to force us to carry stillborn fetuses to term–just like cows and pigs do, he says. Because, you know, women are just like barnyard animals."

"As if that insensitivity wasn’t enough, he then referenced the livestock on the farm where he once worked and how they had to sometimes deliver stillborn animals:
Life gives us many experiences…I’ve had the experience of delivering calves, dead and alive. Delivering pigs, dead or alive. It breaks our hearts to see those animals not make it.
In other words, if a cow or pig can give birth to a dead baby, then a woman should too. So what if it’s just plain cruel to force a woman to carry a stillborn fetus to term and then make her undergo labor. We are no different than cows or pigs, right? Yeah, that’s logic that just makes a lot of sense and is filled with so much compassion and understanding of women."

   I also worked on a cattle farm and a pig farm for a total of 8yrs. and thousands of live deliveries. I delivered dead pigs and calves. Not once did we wait several days for the dead fetus to spontaneously abort but got it out of the mother as soon as possible. The risk of sepsis was to great.

   This is just another example of a republican/tea party member wanting to control women's lives.


Breaking: "First Degree Homicide Of The Unborn Child Bill" Passes CO House On Second Reading

Horrible news for women's rights from the state House tonight.
From State Rep Daniel Kagan (D) regarding HB 12-1130:
"...we were unable to prevent the Republican majority in the House from passing on second reading the First Degree Homicide of the Unborn Child bill. Under some circumstances, it makes both termination of pregnancy and the use of the morning after pill a homicide. It also confers personhood on a newly fertilized egg."
Link Here

Is this what The Tea Party means they say they want less government control and intervention of a person's life?

How long before they declare that an unfertilized egg or a single sperm wasted, in any way, no matter what the activity, is a crime?

Think about it. Really.... Really.... Think about it.

New Hampshire House of Representatives says abortion causes cancer

Just ask them.

Link Here

>>New Hampshire's Tea Party-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would mandate a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion and require doctors to tell women that abortion causes breast cancer.

>>Notter could not be reached for comment Wednesday, but has said in the past she believes there is an abortion-cancer connection. In an interview last month with Merrimack Patch, Notter said she understood that abortion would cause spaces in breast duct tissue to allow for the growth of cancer cells. She said she believed birth control pills lead to the same issue. Notter last month also said that she believed that birth control pills taken by women cause prostate cancer in their male children.

And, if she believes in her heart that there is an abortion-cancer connection….

Then it must be true. Despite there being no factual data to back it up. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Idiots and Zealots

Congressman thought parody article on Planned Parenthood was real

Republican House Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana has made himself the target of online ridicule after confusing a spoof article about Planned Parenthood as a factual news report, according to Politico.
An article posted to the Onion's website on May 18, 2011 is headlined, "Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex." Of course, as millions of readers already know, the Onion is a satirical news organization, which makes up fake parody stories about real people, places and things.
The fictitious article opens with the obviously made-up lead sentence: "Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday the grand opening of its long-planned $8 billion Abortionplex, a sprawling abortion facility that will allow the organization to terminate unborn lives with an efficiency never before thought possible."


Catholic Church Ups Ante Against Obama...Threatens Fighting in the Streets

“Never before, unprecedented in American history, for the federal government to line up against the Roman Catholic Church,” said Catholic League head Bill Donohue.
“This is going to be fought out with lawsuits, with court decisions, and, dare I say it, maybe even in the streets,” Donohue said.

More god fearing nutcases threatening violence if you don't do what they mandate in the name of their "god".

If they could only get that worked up and prosecute the baby rapists and child molesters that the catholic church seems to have an over abundance of. 

How many thousands or millions of women, especially catholic women, will vote against any candidate that sides with the catholic church.

How soon will the Snowbilly Grifter be canned when her contract is up?

She has been as wrong as the donald chump about who is going be the nominee. Maybe when it is whittled down to one one of those two will get it right. 

The only way President Obama will lose is if the Supreme Court gets involved and once again appoints a republican. If the election doesn't have any republican interference and is allowed to be free, fair and all Americans are allowed to vote the republicans will lose. BIG!!!!

But the republicans still have a few months to be the GRAND OBSTRUCTIONIST PARTY and they will try to put the country back into the ditch. If they do the American public is starting to see through their lies and  partisanship and will kick the republicans to the curb and help the democrats regain and stay in power for years to come.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How are these two groups of people alike?

Go ahead, I'll wait.....
Jeopardy theme plays in background.
OK, times up.
The answer the form of a question.
What are terrorists?
Who got it right?
What are cowards would also have been acceptable.

The next question is...

Of the two groups pictured, which one looks the most like they want to harm the President?

The last question is...How are they different?
I mean other than the obvious.

One group of cowards looks like they know how to handle weapons and keep their identity secret.

The other cowards look like dickless cheney showed them how to use a weapon and are lucky to know how to walk.

Look at the first picture closely and tell me someone's not going to get shot if a dark skinned person walks up behind them and says BOOO! 

Here is a close -up of the shirt. Just in case someone doesn't recognize it.

From the facebook page.

New York Times Article

“I don’t think that the shooting of that T-shirt is that big of a deal,”  Sgt. Pat Shearer, who took the photo, told ABC 15.

 The image appeared on Arizona policeman Pat Shearer’s (above) facebook page. He took the photo and could face disciplinary action.

What a putz. He's 25yrs. on the force. I'm sure that this is the first time he's done anything like that. More like the first time he was caught or had his racist ass called out on his actions.

I can't wait to see the spin put out to try to explain this. While they are trying to defend the actions of the (and I use the term loosely) policeman, maybe they could show the area of instruction or training at any police academy or of any law enforcement agency that advocates the shooting of the president.

I'm sure that those in the first picture were brought up with good conservative christian family values passed down through the generations.

They think they have the right "solution".

If a few innocent people are killed just say that it was a lone, disturbed person and their constant hate speech had nothing to do with it.


Rush Limbaugh: "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus – living fossils – so we will never forget what these people stood for."

 Senator Phil Gramm: "We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."

Rep. James Hansen on Bill Clinton: Get rid of the guy. Impreach him, censure him, assassinate him."

 John Derbyshire intimated in the National Review that because Chelsea Clinton had "the taint," she should "be killed."

Ann Coulter: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."

 You know what? 
That's enough. There is so much hate from "the good christian conservative right" that it gets sickening after a while researching and looking at it. 

You kill and wound innocent people, men, women, at least two 9 year old girls are dead because of  you. Then take no responsibility for it blaming it on a disturbed person. Well they may have been disturbed but your violent talk and actions push them over the edge. 


Come out already. You're just going to get crazier the more popular President Obama gets. After he's re-elected your heads will explode. One of you nut cases is going to do something crazy. Here's a flag for you.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Rick Perry Obama is evil ad

Homophobic Rick Perry ad–apparently meant only for conservative corners of Iowa, but then went retroviral on YouTube. Watch it for context if you haven’t seen it yet:

I'm posting that ad so you can appreciate this ad:


All that's missing from Perry's ad is the hood the sheet and the burning cross.

The ad was probably filmed at his Niggerhead Ranch where him and his buddies can sit around polishing each others guns and kissing koch rings.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


The republicans ran on the premise that they were all about jobs. It was jobs this and jobs that. Elect us and there will be jobs as far as the eyes can see. More jobs than you can shake a stick at.
That's all we heard, 24/7, 7 days a week, right up to the election. After the election, not a peep. 
Until about March 2011. Then the only "jobs" they want to create have to do with deregulating everything from the banks to the EPA. 

What a great idea!!!! Deregulate the very institutions that have almost single-handedly crashed the worlds economy and deregulate the EPA because the air and water is now so clean and pure. That must be why childhood asthma is increasing, because their lungs can't handle all that clean air. And we don't need all that pesky marine life. It just gets in the way of the oil rigs. Just ask all the fisherman along the gulf coast how good they are doing because an oil rig didn't have the proper shut off valve because Cheney said they didn't have to have it. At least the company saved $500,000 by not installing the valve. Not to mention that the oil makes the shrimp and other seafood slide down easier. The seafood will also be easier to eat because it is smaller and the deformities give it a unique appeal, kind of like the 3 eyed fish on The Simpsons.

Many of the same people that pissed themselves when they found out that that some of the higher wattage incandescent light bulbs were going to be phased out over the next few years and cfl bulbs were going to replace them because the cfl bulbs have MERCURY in them!!! OOOOH, LOOK OUT!! They say if you break one those bulbs it costs thousands of dollars to clean it up. Yeah right, if your an idiot. There are instructions on how to clean it up and the three biggest things are 1. Pick up the glass without cutting yourself. Maybe you could put on a pair of gloves. 2. Open a window and let the room air out for a few minutes, don't vacuum right away.  Here is a link. It is from the EPA, so all of you that don't trust the government, might want to consult Google for other instructions. They are out there and they are the same.

Now to get back on track.One of the reasons that there are no jobs coming from the republicans is that they seem to have pledged allegiance to Grover Norquist and his pledge, over their allegiance to the oath they took when sworn into congress and the senate, and doing what is good for the american people and what is good for the country.

Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised since their pledge to Norquist seems to run hand-in-hand with what Mitch McConnell said...
"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

They seem to be trying their damnedest no matter how foolish, stupid, idiotic or crazy they sound. From Limbaugh to Beck to Fox News all that is going on is fear-mongering, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'm not going to go on about the anti Obama rhetoric that the conservatives spew out 24/7 because everyone that is not a right wing conservative knows what is going on and realizes how crazy most of it sounds.They even vote against bills that they write and introduce if Obama says he agrees with it. As soon as he says he is for something, the conservatives are against it.

The single most unbelievable thing to me is that there are so many people, working so hard to make Obama a one term president, that they are willing to let the country go bankrupt, let people suffer by denying them food, shelter, health care and the dignity of a good paying job because of the hate they have for one man.

The republicans have blocked almost every single idea that Obama has put out there. Even when Obama caves and gives them almost everything that they ask for they still say that he is still, somehow... wrong.

Why do they hate him so much?

You know why, I know why, and the republicans know why.

They will really go off the deep end when he is re-elected in 2012. I fully expect some crazy ass Limbaugh, O'Rielly, Beck or Fox News listener will try to get him.

They have already been doing target practice on doctors, a senator, little girls and innocent bystanders.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Am Thankful For Free Speech.

Because of it, I can say what I think of what this guy did.

Radio ad refuses service to Obama supporters, Muslims.


"We will attempt to teach you all the necessary information you need to obtain your C.H.L.," the ad stated.  Forty-five seconds in, the advertisement added a disclaimer.

"If you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law."

The ad continues, going on to say,"If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame; I am Crockett Keller, thank you and God bless America."

  What...a...f**king jackhole.

   That being said, I hope he follows through with what he says.




Liar Or Prejudiced?


>>"Iranian-born Shawn Esfahani, owner of Eastern Shore Toyota in Daphne, Alabama, sought $28 million in compensatory and punitive damages from Bob Tyler Toyota, claiming employees at that Pensacola, Florida-based dealership falsely portrayed him as an Islamist militant to customers."

>>"Esfahani's lawsuit said that Bob Tyler sales manager Fred Kenner told at least one couple considering buying from Eastern Shore Toyota in 2009 that Esfahani was of Middle Eastern descent and was "helping fund the insurgents there and is also laundering money for them."

>>"A Bob Tyler salesman was accused of telling the same couple that Esfahani was from Iraq and calling him a "terrorist" who put soldiers including the salesman's brother in harm's way.

"(Esfahani) is funneling money back to his family and other terrorists. I have a brother over there and what you're doing is helping kill my brother," the salesman told the couple when he called them on the Eastern Shore sales floor, according to the suit."

   It's behavior like the Bob Tyler's salesman and others from the south that continues to perpetuate the idea of prejudiced, in-bred, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, southern rednecks. Not only is the salesman prejudiced but he's shown to be stupid and a liar. 

Otherwise known as... 


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Them teabaggers sure is sweet on President Obama.

They post so much about him and hardly anything like an original thought comes from them. Wellll, other than
snarky and hateful sayins. But they must secretly love and adore him. There seems to be lots of them all over
the internets with the names they call him like, The One, King Obama, Master Obama, Lord Master Obama,
you get the idea. And with copy and paste they hardly have to do any thinkin at all. But the democrats must not
like him because they just call him President Obama.

Here are a few examples.
This guy comes from a site called AnyWebCam. I've been a free member for about a year now and this one
guy really seems to have a serious man crush on Obama. There are plenty of others, I'm just starting with this

"It looks to me like the Left is getting a little frustrated and restless with The One...."


It must be love.
They love ?  him at Fox Nation to.
stevieray 4 hours ago
President Obama is is well read...

I believe he could cite "chapter and verse" of Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, and Cloward-Piven.

He's making HISTORY.  He is the FIRST President to be an Enemy of We The People.

He thinks he's Hugo Chavez. A DICTATOR.

May God save the Republic from this communist infil-traitor.
No,You are all wrong! He was doing whatever Pres Moo Shell told him to do! 
stevieray 4 hours ago
Obama campaigned to the Left of Che Guevara, Chairman Mao,and
Karl Marx, and Bernie Sander's is disappointed that Odumbo and his wife care more about
the lavish lifestyle than the Communist Manifesto. 8o)
More of our Fox News LOVE
robert.spainhour 10 hours ago
all democrats should be impeached & obama too!

ctyank 1 day ago
"Most people believe the democrats are misdirected and should be focused on the economy. I believe the democrats are doing exactly what they want and intend to do. They are socializing out great nation. They have taken over the financial system via TARP and Finance Reform, they have taken over two of the three car manufacturers using taxpayer money, they have socialized the best medical system in the world and will continue until until they have fully socialized our entire medical care and medical insurance industries. They have taken control of vast portions of our energy, energy policy, and or energy natural resources. They are passing a Food Safety Act (more government control and intrusion), etc. They have implemented and continue to implement massive regulations. They have managed to redistribute wealth like we've never seen before in this great country.

So, basically they have taken over or financial system, medical system, energy and food. What's next?

What we need to do is repeal, repeal, repeal, many of the laws that have piled up over the years. ObamaCare and Financial Reform would be a good start. We need to get back to limited government, limited regulation, free-market capitalism, and all of the principles that have made the United States the best, the most free, and the most prosperous country in the world."
  Well, maybe they don't all love him.

I agree with that last guy and we need to go back to the Iran-Contra Raygun ways, Read-My-Lips,Daddy George, and George the Lesser years.
Not like that booming Clinton economy where the middle and lower class were starting to think that they might
have a chance at having a future. Just think, if that economy had continued we would in all likelyhood have a surplus or be breaking even right now.
(For the teabaggers and right-wingers the last two paragraphs were sarcasm. I only point that out because from what I've seen lately they can't tell what sarcasm is, but I digress.)
But George Jr. took care of that future for the country and the teabaggers want to finish what he started.

So I'm going to use this blog to point out the shit-without-facts that those mouth breathers post. I won't catch it all because there is so much of it but it will be fun showing just how clueless those mouth-breathers are.
I will post other things that I find interesting about those good, god-fearing christian conservatives, right-wingers and teabaggers.

A note~~~~~I will stop using the term teabaggers and all forms of the word teabaggers when I stop seeing words like libtards, dummycraps , communist liberals and all the other names used to refer to democrats, liberals etc.