The republicans ran on the premise that they were all about jobs. It was jobs this and jobs that. Elect us and there will be jobs as far as the eyes can see. More jobs than you can shake a stick at.
That's all we heard, 24/7, 7 days a week, right up to the election. After the election, not a peep.
Until about March 2011. Then the only "jobs" they want to create have to do with deregulating everything from the banks to the EPA.
What a great idea!!!! Deregulate the very institutions that have almost single-handedly crashed the worlds economy and deregulate the EPA because the air and water is now so clean and pure. That must be why childhood asthma is increasing, because their lungs can't handle all that clean air. And we don't need all that pesky marine life. It just gets in the way of the oil rigs. Just ask all the fisherman along the gulf coast how good they are doing because an oil rig didn't have the proper shut off valve because Cheney said they didn't have to have it. At least the company saved $500,000 by not installing the valve. Not to mention that the oil makes the shrimp and other seafood slide down easier. The seafood will also be easier to eat because it is smaller and the deformities give it a unique appeal, kind of like the 3 eyed fish on The Simpsons.
Many of the same people that pissed themselves when they found out that that some of the higher wattage incandescent light bulbs were going to be phased out over the next few years and cfl bulbs were going to replace them because the cfl bulbs have
MERCURY in them!!! OOOOH, LOOK OUT!! They say if you break one those bulbs it costs thousands of dollars to clean it up. Yeah right, if your an idiot. There are instructions on how to clean it up and the three biggest things are
1. Pick up the glass without cutting yourself. Maybe you could put on a pair of gloves.
2. Open a window and let the room air out for a few minutes, don't vacuum right away. Here is a link. It is from the EPA, so all of you that don't trust the government, might want to consult Google for other instructions. They are out there and they are the same.
Now to get back on track.One of the reasons that there are no jobs coming from the republicans is that they seem to have pledged allegiance to Grover Norquist and his pledge, over their allegiance to the oath they took when sworn into congress and the senate, and doing what is good for the american people and what is good for the country.
Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised since their pledge to Norquist seems to run hand-in-hand with what Mitch McConnell said...
"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
They seem to be trying their damnedest no matter how foolish, stupid, idiotic or crazy they sound. From Limbaugh to Beck to Fox News all that is going on is fear-mongering, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'm not going to go on about the anti Obama rhetoric that the conservatives spew out 24/7 because everyone that is not a right wing conservative knows what is going on and realizes how crazy most of it sounds.They even vote against bills that they write and introduce if Obama says he agrees with it. As soon as he says he is for something, the conservatives are against it.
The single most unbelievable thing to me is that there are so many people, working so hard to make Obama a one term president, that they are willing to let the country go bankrupt, let people suffer by denying them food, shelter, health care and the dignity of a good paying job because of the hate they have for one man.
The republicans have blocked almost every single idea that Obama has put out there. Even when Obama caves and gives them almost everything that they ask for they still say that he is still, somehow... wrong.
Why do they hate him so much?
You know why, I know why, and the republicans know why.
They will really go off the deep end when he is re-elected in 2012. I fully expect some crazy ass Limbaugh, O'Rielly, Beck or Fox News listener will try to get him.
They have already been doing target practice on doctors, a senator, little girls and innocent bystanders.