
Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

Secret Quarter-Billion-Dollar Koch Brothers Political Operation Revealed


If Democrats had done this all the damn Right Wing Nuts,Teabaggers and every conservative in the country would be screaming about voter fraud, vote fixng, illegal funding or whatever Fox News, Pedophile Drug Addict OxyRush Limbaugh, Glen "Cry Baby" Beck told them to get mad about.

There would be crying and gnashing of teeth while yelling for IMPEACHMENT, RECALL ELECTIONS, and any other means they could think of to get Democrats out of office.
>>>>, the Washington insider website, has the money-in-politics scoop of the year: It has unmasked a previously unknown political money laundering operation, set up by the energy billionaires and libertarian Koch brothers, that raised $256 million and secretly spent almost all of it last year against Democrats.
The fact that secretive right-wingers could amass and spend a quarter-billion dollars in a presidential election cycle and go undetected under federal campaign finance law is an astounding indictment of the American electoral system, revealing that all the laws intending to inform the public about who is slinging political mud are meaningless. The mockery goes even further when considering the section of the federal tax code the group is operating under: 501(c)6. That designation is for trade associations, which lets the group conceal its donors.
The last sentence says it all.

"In other words, a new era of class warfare in America is just beginning.

I'm beginning to fear more and more for the common ordinary people of America and for America's future.

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Atta Boy Darrell!!! Keep Those IRS Investigations Going!

The Grand Obstuctionist Party in action.

The jackholes aren't going to stop trying to get that 'uppity boy' out of "THEIR WHITE HOUSE".

And this is the guy that is going after him? With a rap sheet like this he couldn't get a job at McDonalds.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday became the latest Republican to reject Darrell Issa's comments that White House press secretary Jay Carney is a "paid liar" in relation to the IRS controversy. But Graham went further than his Republican colleagues, saying there's no evidence that the White House ordered the tax agency to target conservative groups.

During an interview with "Kilmeade and Friends" on Fox News Radio, Graham said Issa, a California Republican, was a key player in investigating the matter as the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. But, he conceded, "you can go too far" with personal allegations.

On Sunday, Issa accused the White House of ordering the IRS to target conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status in 2012, even though a 48-page report by the IRS Inspector General and testimony from multiple IRS officials cleared the White House of any involvement. Issa has nonetheless insisted IRS agents were being "ordered from Washington." He specifically directed his criticism at Carney, who has maintained the administration played no role in the targeting and only learned of the matter once an investigation was complete.

One can only hope that they keep investigating, even in the face of evidence that there is or was nothing to warrant such an investigation.

To bad the republicans have been taken over by the teabaggers.

What a bunch of putzes.


Thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stupid Is, As Stupid Does

This is from a blog that I check out. I didn't add or change anything.
This was sent to me in an email.
I got it after seeing the program FRONTLINE on PBS about Romney and President Obama.
I know that PBS wants to seem to be unbiased but this program, in my opinion, fell far short.
The following article mirrors many of my thoughts about the program.

We Have Got To Be The Dumbest Fucking People On Earth (PBS)

We've got to be. There's no other explanation.

For one, there's the idea that somehow we allow people to make the lunatic claim that the media is in the tank for the Dems or the left. Oh really? Romney tells Lehrer that he's going to fire his wobbly ass and we get the bullshit I'm about to detail below.

For two, there's this insane overreaction we have to the accusation of bias that makes us produce works of audacity (again, more below), that can only be described as... insane.

For three, I had a phone call earlier tonight with someone who seems to me to capture the essence of a political operative, in that she couldn't possibly understand her way out of a cardboard box, but that is another story for another time, and then, the other side has the same exact drone army filling out their own stooge-staffel.

Back to this PBS documentary.

I'm watching this shit, I'm 42 minutes in, and so far I've learned that Obama is a white black man, that during his New York years "he did the least" (that's right, the same New York years that would help him gain admission to Harvard fucking Law School) and that Romney's time in France was some sort of heroic, perilous journey.

And that France was awful tough.

Let me first point out that I was a kid in New York City when Barack Obama lived in Harlem. I saw it from a car window and from behind the bus windows, as we traveled out every day to Randall's Island. I have been around the world. The entire thing. Circumnavigated it. Been to some shitholes. Let me tell you, Harlem of that era is the scariest fucking place I have ever seen.

But back to Mitt Romney. This fucking asshole was dodging the draft, first in France, and then with a student deferment, and the PBS documentary not only never explicitly mentions that this asshole was avoiding the motherfucking Vietnam War by spending time nagging people in France, but presents it as a G**-damn hero's journey???

Are you fucking kidding me?

I will say it right now. I would rather spend two years a million times over in France, even getting doors shut on me for part of every day than spend a day in the jungles of Vietnam. It's not close. It's not close to close. It's described as "this difficult work." Not getting shot at and sweating and getting stung to death, but riding a fucking bicycle in France.

Riding a fucking bicycle in France!!!

And what was his great accomplishment? He converted TEN people. I suppose if you really think you're saving someone's soul, that's quite something, but presumably he was converting them from Christianity to Christianity and fuck this bullshit I can't be bothered with bending over backwards to shove something up my own ass in the service of being fair anymore.




I can't take it anymore. I just can't take it.

The next election, I'm doing whatever the fuck I want, and anyone who tells me no, or can't understand shit, or doesn't understand the "why" behind shit like, I don't know, reality, is getting a punch in the fucking jaw.

That's right. They're getting dropped.

I just can't take this.

And btw, his friend and fellow missionary admits what they don't run in the PBS documentary:

  • Most of the missionaries, though, were also relieved that their service meant a draft deferment. “I am sorry, but no one was excited to go and get killed in Vietnam,” Mr. Hansen said, acknowledging, “In hindsight, it is easy to be for the war when you don’t have to worry about going to Vietnam.”

  • Mr. Romney, though, said that he sometimes had wished he were in Vietnam instead of France. “There were surely times on my mission when I was having a particularly difficult time accomplishing very little when I would have longed for the chance to be serving in the military,” he said in an interview, “but that was not to be.”

  • While many Mormons — and eventually, some of his fellow missionaries — enlisted, Mr. Romney got a student deferment after returning from France.

Read paragraphs two and three together. Now do it again. Breathe in the insanity.

And that chickenshit bullshit is not getting this man hung?

We have got to be the dumbest fucking people on Earth. There is no other explanation.

My only consolation is the hope that nobody watches PBS.

I wasn't happy with the way that PBS covered the RNC or the DNCs'. While they were the more fair of any American coverage, it seemed that the slant was toward the right. I say that because the democrats didn't seem to get the chance that the republicans did when it came time to analyze the conventions at the end of each day or the end of the convention.

I don't know if it's money or what but I think that the country is being set up for President Obama to lose. With the electronic voting machines controlled by republican backed interests and big money from Super PACs buying the media...

If that happens God help the poor, sick, women, children and elderly.

That asshole is a sociopatic liar, coward and a bully. He shouldn't be within 1000 miles of the nuclear codes.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Romney campaign worker says parents on welfare should be executed.

From this article;

"I'll tell you what really need to do with these illegitimate families on welfare—give all the kids up for adoption and execute the parents."

"Yes, I mean it. Get rid of all of them, give the kids up for adoption, execute the parents, and you get rid of the problem.” (When I call him back to revisit the issue, he elaborates: “put the children up for adoption and execute the parents, and word would get out soon” that poor people shouldn’t have kids.)

Yup. That will solve the problems of the country.
While we are at it , lets give everyone IQ tests, and everyone that doesn't test out at say...100, they get executed too.
Or if they are on social security/medicare/medicaid and don't have a part time job(20+hrs./wk) until the age of 75, they're put down too. If you're to disabled to work and your family can't help you and you have no insurance, you're history.

I wonder how many "poor people" that rat bastard SOB has killed or had a hand in killing under the guise of white sheets and a pointy white hat?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



 Paul Ryan reiterated his opposition to marriage equality, during a town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on Tuesday. “The things you talk about like traditional marriage and family and entrepreneurship. These aren’t values that are indicative to any one person or creed or color. These are American values, these are universal human values,” he said in response to a question from the audience.

Couldn't get the video to load but the story and video is at the link below.


That freak Lyin' Ryan thinks way to much about other peoples sex lives.
He's a psycho wack job and I can't wait to see Biden wipe the floor with him in the debate.
That is even if ryan shows up. It wouldn't surprise me if some kind of "emergency" didn't come up for either or both Dog-On-Car or Lyin' Ryan.

This damn Blogger and Youtube is getting worse and worse except for the most simple things.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh Boy! Secret Ryan Tape: He describes Social Security & Medicare as “collectivist” & “socialistic.”


I notice that nowhere did Lyin' Ryan mention that he collected social security after his dad died, as did his hero Rand when she got old and sick.

Those dickhead, hypocrite bastards.



This is the event where Ryan stated that Rand was the “one thinker” who is the “reason I got involved in public service;” and that Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are “required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.”  Statements he would latter dismiss as “urban legends.”
The speech has been hidden in plain sight on the Atlas Society website, which offers only a partial transcript.  This omits several revealing passages that illuminate Ryan’s philosophy as it relates to policy priorities.

It is impossible to summarize these statements without sounding like a breathless conspiracy theorist.  Here’s what Ryan says.  Don’t trust my bullets.  Read the transcript.  Don’t trust my transcript, listen to the audio on the Atlas Society site.
(Just scroll to the bottom of the text about Ryan (above), and you'll see a grey icon of a speaker and an arrow. Click on the arrow and the audio will play. The grey audio player is located directly above the golden star rating.)

  • Ryan describes Social Security and Medicare as “collectivist” and “socialistic.” 

  • Ryan’s strategic plan:  privatize Social Security and Medicare in order to convert people from “collectivism” to believers in a “individualist capitalist” philosophy.  So that there will be “more people on our team” who “won’t listen to” Democrats. 

  • Ryan’s acceptance of Pinochet’s Secretary of Social Security José Piñera’s similar program of Social Security privatization as a “moral revolution” that made Marxists into capitalists who started to read the Chilean equivalent of the Wall Street Journal.  Ryan is overheard, “Yeah”  “That’s right.”

    For Ryan “defined benefit” programs such as Social Security and Medicare are problems in themselves. This isn’t something he saves for gatherings of the Ayn Rand Society, such concerns about “dependency” are scattered throughout his Path to Prosperity—again hidden in plain sight. This transcript doesn’t so much reveal a secret, as highlight a clear theme in his policy rationale that is always present, but in more public settings subordinated to his prophecies of fiscal apocalypse. Thus, it is no surprise his budget cuts the safety net and radically reshapes Medicare first and addresses the deficit later.


    In the published transcript Ryan states that like Rand, he views all political and policy questions as battle between individualism and collectivism.

    (2:38) In almost every fight we are involved in here, on Capitol Hill, whether it’s an amendment vote that I’ll take later on this afternoon, or a big piece of policy we’re putting through our Ways and Means Committee, it is a fight that usually comes down to one conflict: individualism vs. collectivism.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Todd Akin (R) Missouri on “legitimate rape” and abortion.


This is a subject that I’m very passionate about for very personal reasons involving my first wife (before we were married) and a female friend. It probably had something to do with my first divorce. I was young, selfish and stupid. Which when reflecting on it over the years, was most likely the main reason we separated. I’m still friendly with her family and on good terms with her. Her brother was our best man and still one of my closest friends. We had two sons during the 8yrs. that we were married and the divorce went pretty smooth. I married my current wife in May 1983 and she gets along with them too. My wife’s family and the ex’s have been in this part of Ohio since it was first settled and every body pretty much knows every body.

WARNING!Before You go any further I must caution you that there is some very strong language in this post. I’ll not apologize for the language because I believe that the Tea Party as a whole deserve no dignified discourse because of how it has acted and portrayed itself since it’s inception. And as individuals many, if not most, deserve even less. That thinking is not just from what I’ve read or heard but also from personal experience. With the exception of two republican/Tea party friends, all of the conservatives (friends and relatives) that I know have gone off the deep end. They parrot fox, rush, hannity, beck and everyone that doesn’t agree with them is an anti-american socialist. Even the ones on SS, medicare, medicaid and food stamps. Two of them are having trouble with their health insurance denying them treatment and coverage and they are saying that it’s Obama’s fault. My 72yr. old aunt says that she’s afraid that an Obamacare “death panel” is going to deny her treatment for an ailment or illness that hasn’t happened to her yet. But she’s collecting that SS and getting treatment through medicare and medicaid for several chronic conditions that she has. Her scripts are costing her less. She didn’t know why and when I told her why…SHE …DIDN’T…BELIEVE …ME!!  A couple of her 13 kids (yes, 13) have bragged about the insurance rebate check that they recently received. But every single one of them is a teabagger. But they can’t be racist because one of the daughters dates a black man. They bring it up every chance they get. Just not when he’s around.

Honest to The Great Spaghetti Monster I’m telling the truth about them. They are bizarre! Their disconnect and lack of empathy for anyone outside of their immediate family is un-freaking-real.

If I wasn’t part of it I don’t know if I would believe it if I heard it.

But I digress. Once again, there is strong language.

“It seems to me first of all from what I understand from doctors that’s really rare,” Akin said of a rape victim’s chances of becoming pregnant. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
He also said he would prefer that punishment for rape be focused on the rapist and not “attacking the child.”

Akin said in an e-mailed statement later Sunday that he “misspoke” during the interview, though the statement did not say specifically which points.
“In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it’s clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year,” Akin’s statement said.”
“According to a 1996 study by The Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, approximately 32,000 pregnancies result from rape annually in the United States, and about 5 percent of rape victims are impregnated. “Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency,” the study says, according to an abstract.”
Ohhh, he ‘misspoke”. Well then… everything is alright.
If the teabaggers talk like that in public or on a public tv show…What do they say or how do they act when there are no cameras or reporters around?
I personally believe that this attack on women’s rights by the teabaggers and rethugs is not so much about health or babies as it is about regaining and having control over women that they perceive to have lost over the past 100yrs. or so. I think that they are a bunch of frightened, scared shitbags.
Not to mention that there is a “DEMOCRAT” in “their” White House.
While doing research for the above I ran across this. I had completely forgotten about it. I wonder if Rmoney knew about this when he picked Ryan? I think he did but didn’t think it would come up. Along with their budget plan this could really bite them in the ass.

How Todd Akin And Paul Ryan Partnered To Redefine Rape.

Article Here

“Last year, Akin joined with GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as two of the original co-sponsors of the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill which, among other things, introduced the country to the bizarre term “forcible rape.”

Federal law prevents federal Medicaid funds and similar programs from paying for abortions. Yet the law also contains an exception for women who are raped. The bill Akin and Ryan cosponsored would have narrowed this exception, providing that only pregnancies arising from “forcible rape” may be terminated. Because the primary target of Akin and Ryan’s effort are Medicaid recipients — patients who are unlikely to be able to afford an abortion absent Medicaid funding — the likely impact of this bill would have been forcing many rape survivors to carry their rapist’s baby to term. Michelle Goldberg explains who Akin and Ryan would likely target:
Under H.R. 3, only victims of “forcible rape” would qualify for federally funded abortions. Victims of statutory rape—say, a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 30-year-old man—would be on their own. So would victims of incest if they’re over 18. And while “forcible rape” isn’t defined in the criminal code, the addition of the adjective seems certain to exclude acts of rape that don’t involve overt violence—say, cases where a woman is drugged or has a limited mental capacity. “It’s basically putting more restrictions on what was defined historically as rape,” says Keenan.
Although a version of this bill passed the GOP-controlled House, the “forcible rape” language was eventually removed due to widespread public outcry. Paul Ryan, however, believes that the “forcible rape” language does not actually go far enough to force women to carry their rapist’s baby. Ryan believes that abortion should be illegal in all cases except for “cases in which a doctor deems an abortion necessary to save the mother’s life.” So rape survivors are out of luck.
And, of course, as we learned today, Akin isn’t even sure that “legitimate” rape survivors can get pregnant in the first place.
Akin isn’t sure because he has shit for brains. How do these batshitinsane assholes get elected. 6 TIMES!!!!
I’m hoping that the democrats don’t let this go. They need to beat the rethugs to death with this.
The teapublicans keep screaming about what is taken out of context from President Obama’s speeches or what Vice-President Biden says 24/7. Even though they have said the same, and even worse things.
The dems keep getting ammunition to put the rethugs and teabaggers handed to them on a silver platter.
All they have to do is use it.

If you read all of this rant.
Thank you.
If I offended anyone I hope it was the ones that deserved it.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama Is ‘Outsourcing’ Jobs To Nebraska!

Not Nebraska!!!!!

President Obama is 'outsourcing' jobs all the way to that far off foreign country of Nebraska?
Doesn't he know that he needs to keep the jobs here in 'merica?

Or doesn't that tool Ed Gillespie know the difference between contracting and outsourcing?
The President should be sending money and jobs to The Caymen Islands, India and China like 'Dog-On-Roof Rmoney has done.


Mitt Romney’s campaign is responding to evidence that Bain Capital invested in companies that sent American jobs overseas by accusing the Obama administration of “outsourcing” telemarketing jobs to Omaha, Nebraska.

During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Romney adviser Ed Gillespie continued the campaign’s dubious strategy of schooling reporters on the difference between “outsourcing” and “offshoring” jobs, insisting that a Washington Post investigation — which found that Romney’s company “invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India” — misunderstood the complicated business jargon.

Gillespie said that he was “not aware” if companies tied to Bain shipped jobs overseas, before adding, “what happened in the story as near I can tell is that the reporter confused the notion of outsourcing.” “Now a lot of American companies outsource, they outsource domestically,” he said, noting that the Obama campaign outsources jobs to Nebraska and CNN contracts out video editing projects.

The hate for President Obama has/is turning the rethugs even more insane.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dear GOP


Powerful congressman accused of campaign finance violations

Now if only a Democrat would get up the backbone to start going after the GOP rat bastards as hard as the rethuglicans go after the Dems.
Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan, a self-made Florida millionaire, is only in his third term in Congress, but he already is in charge of fundraising for the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, and he sits on the powerful House Ways and Means committee.

But all that could be jeopardized. Federal investigations underway could result in Buchanan serving his next term behind bars.

CNN has confirmed there are no fewer than four congressional and federal investigations into Buchanan's business practices, his campaign finances and his alleged attempt to try to stop a witness from talking.

Now that witness is stepping forward in an exclusive interview with CNN. Buchanan's former business partner says the congressman schemed to launder money from his car dealerships into his campaign coffers, and then tried to get others to cover it up.

Burn! Baby Burn! all right now....Burn! Baby Burn!

Friday, March 2, 2012


   While the ship was destined for failure from the very start because of poor leadership and cost over runs that wiped out all money surpluses, construction continued, paid for by borrowing staggering amounts of money from China, cutting taxes on the wealthiest in America and letting banks and large corporations do whatever they pleased.
  • Even after starting two illegal, unfunded wars that killed and wounded thousands of American troops because weren’t supplied with the right equipment like armored vehicles and bullet proof vests for years after the fighting started, construction continued.
  • Even after passing an unfunded medicare drug program that made the drug companies millions while making it harder on medicare recipients, construction continued.
  • Even after pouring millions upon millions of dollars into Iraq that kept disappearing because there was no accountability on where the money went or how it was used, construction continued.
  • Even after stagnating the economy by catering to the rich while letting most of  America continue to work for just above poverty wages and letting millions of jobs leave the country so corporations could make even bigger profits while putting millions of Americans out of work and increasing the federal deficit, construction continued.
   Construction only stopped when it was realized that the American people were tired of all the money disappearing in the two wars and no one being held accountable and that they were going to be out of office soon.
   But being the arrogant bastards that they are, even though the ship wasn’t finished, they decided to launch the ship anyway and when it sank they blamed everybody but themselves for their failures.
  • But don’t worry.
  • Americans know why the ship sank.
   Except for those delusional, out-of-touch-with-reality-people that still wonders why the ship sank and thinks that the same failed policies will somehow fix everything.
   I posted this because of a teabagger email that is going around that has the baggers all tingly but I won’t post any links to it. If you want to know about  them you have to get the info yourself. I won't advertise for them. But be warned. It’s more of that “teabagger intellect” that they are so famous for.

   Okay, I just searched online and found out that there is a video from August 19, 2008 that has all the basics of this “new” email. Only the last picture is changed because the teabaggers think that just because they changed the last picture no one will see them for the racist assholes that they are.
  • The video is three and a half years old!!!!
  • Almost three months before he was even elected!!!!
  But with the economy and America getting a little better the teabaggers have to dig deep to find out anything to trash President Obama instead of being happy that things are getting a little better.
   I have seen some republicans smile when talking about the gas prices going up.
  • Why do the republicans and teabaggers hate America and the American people?
  • Why do they hate President Obama so much that they want to see America and/or the whole world fail just so they can say…