
Showing posts with label deficit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deficit. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rep. Steve King Says Government Shutdown Will Be President Obama's Fault

These guys aren't even pretending to live on this planet anymore.

"This is by far my favorite argument that I’ve seen coming from Republicans when it comes to pretty much anything.  It’s so absurd that it just makes me wish for a moment I could be inside their heads, because I would love to see what reality is like on their planet.

Because, based on comments such as those of Republican Rep. Steve King, many of them sure as heck aren’t living on this one.

See, according to Rep. King, if the government does end up getting shut down it won’t be the fault of Republicans—it’ll all be President Obama’s fault.

Let’s take a look at his “reasoning” for this:

“So the House will make sure that the funds are available.  And if the president should decide he’s going to shut down the government, it will never be the House of Representatives, if this happens it will be either an act of either Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate or the president or them working in conjunction with each other.  If the president decides to shut the government down, it will be the equivalent of a political tantrum, saying ‘I will have my piece of signature legislation even if the American people reject it and I’ll punish you by shutting the government down if I don’t get my way.’”

And he’s dead serious.

Basically, because the House passed legislation that funds the government but strips funding for the Affordable Care Act (which the president has clearly stated he would veto if it ever reached his desk — and it won’t), that’s King’s reasoning behind how this is President Obama’s fault.

Their reasoning is that the American people have "spoken" and we don't want 'ObamaCare'.

Desipte all the data coming in that it(ACA) is popular once people know that it will help them.

They keep spouting teabagger and Faux News taliking points that are pushed by the likes of the Koch(sucking) brothers that all of America is against.

I hope they keep this idiocy up through 2016.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

The Boehnering Of America

Or more aptly, 'The Boehnering(Boning?) Of America ', under his leadership as The Speaker of the House.
A prime example of the GOP's disconnect with reality.
By now isn't it up to 40 times?
The hell of it is, President Obama will probably negotiate more of the middle class, poor, disabled and elderly benefits away under the guise of "bipartisanship".
 I can only hope that President Obama and more democrats find a spine somewhere.

Then when they do, now what to do with it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



 Paul Ryan reiterated his opposition to marriage equality, during a town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on Tuesday. “The things you talk about like traditional marriage and family and entrepreneurship. These aren’t values that are indicative to any one person or creed or color. These are American values, these are universal human values,” he said in response to a question from the audience.

Couldn't get the video to load but the story and video is at the link below.


That freak Lyin' Ryan thinks way to much about other peoples sex lives.
He's a psycho wack job and I can't wait to see Biden wipe the floor with him in the debate.
That is even if ryan shows up. It wouldn't surprise me if some kind of "emergency" didn't come up for either or both Dog-On-Car or Lyin' Ryan.

This damn Blogger and Youtube is getting worse and worse except for the most simple things.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Romney’s Magic Whiteboard

Maybe he should have kept the Etch-a-Sketch.
I think I’ve just about got it!
“Just follow these easy instructions and soon you to, will be putting money in off shore accounts.”
When I become President…

We need to keep saying over and over…President Obama’s campaign should take the high road and campaign like an adult.


What to do or say when asked about taxes.



Hmmm…My pyramid shaped vault is almost full.



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Take care.
