
Showing posts with label budget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label budget. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Rep. Steve King Says Government Shutdown Will Be President Obama's Fault

These guys aren't even pretending to live on this planet anymore.

"This is by far my favorite argument that I’ve seen coming from Republicans when it comes to pretty much anything.  It’s so absurd that it just makes me wish for a moment I could be inside their heads, because I would love to see what reality is like on their planet.

Because, based on comments such as those of Republican Rep. Steve King, many of them sure as heck aren’t living on this one.

See, according to Rep. King, if the government does end up getting shut down it won’t be the fault of Republicans—it’ll all be President Obama’s fault.

Let’s take a look at his “reasoning” for this:

“So the House will make sure that the funds are available.  And if the president should decide he’s going to shut down the government, it will never be the House of Representatives, if this happens it will be either an act of either Harry Reid and the Democrats in the Senate or the president or them working in conjunction with each other.  If the president decides to shut the government down, it will be the equivalent of a political tantrum, saying ‘I will have my piece of signature legislation even if the American people reject it and I’ll punish you by shutting the government down if I don’t get my way.’”

And he’s dead serious.

Basically, because the House passed legislation that funds the government but strips funding for the Affordable Care Act (which the president has clearly stated he would veto if it ever reached his desk — and it won’t), that’s King’s reasoning behind how this is President Obama’s fault.

Their reasoning is that the American people have "spoken" and we don't want 'ObamaCare'.

Desipte all the data coming in that it(ACA) is popular once people know that it will help them.

They keep spouting teabagger and Faux News taliking points that are pushed by the likes of the Koch(sucking) brothers that all of America is against.

I hope they keep this idiocy up through 2016.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

So You Want Your Country Back

Well...Lotsa luck with that.

  We haven't really had it since the U.S. created the huge web of intelligence agencies after WWII. And as long as they still operate, unrestrained, with enormous budgets, we won't.

  Gov't agencies like the CIA, the NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the 12 other National Security Agencies are largely unchecked. From their budgets, to their activities, they operate in almost total secrecy, and not just from the American people, but from Congress, and to some degree from whatever administration is in power.

  You want to talk about too big to be controlled, then let's talk about the National Security Community.
  The U.S. intelligence budget (excluding the Military Intelligence Program) in fiscal year 2010 was $53.1 billion, according to a disclosure required under a recent law implementing recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. This figure is up from $49.8 billion in 2009, $47.5 billion in 2008, $43.5 billion in 2007, and $40.9 billion in 2006.

  In a statement on the release of new declassified figures, DNI Mike McConnell said there would be no additional disclosures of classified budget information beyond the overall spending figure because "such disclosures could harm national security." How the money is divided among the 16 intelligence agencies and what it is spent on is classified. It includes salaries for about 100,000 people, multi-billion dollar satellite programs, aircraft, weapons, electronic sensors, intelligence analysis, spies, computers, and software.

  About 70 percent of the intelligence budget goes to contractors for the procurement of technology and services (including analysis), according to a May 2007 chart from the Office of the DNI. Intelligence spending has increased by a third over ten years ago, in inflation-adjusted dollars, according to the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
  Is the NSA phone record grab the tip of the iceberg? Yes...Yes it is. Are some of those agencies actively spying on  Americans? Given their history, one would have to be blind or a fool not to believe that they aren't.

  Over the years, these agencies have probably done more to harm U.S. Security than to protect it. They what they want, when they want, to whomever they want, with near impunity. Although I bet that it's closer to clear impunity than we realize.

  If you think I'm kidding here are a few examples.

From 2007:

  Long-secret documents released Tuesday provide new details about how the Central Intelligence Agency illegally spied on Americans decades ago, from trying to bug a Las Vegas hotel room for evidence of infidelity to tracking down an expert lock picker for a Watergate conspirator.

  Known inside the agency as the �family jewels,� the 702 pages of documents released Tuesday catalog domestic wiretapping operations, failed assassination plots, mind-control experiments and spying on journalists from the early years of the C.I.A.�s existence.

  The papers provide evidence of paranoia and occasional incompetence as the agency began a string of illegal spying operations during the 1960s and 1970s, often to hunt links between Communist governments and the domestic protests that roiled the nation during that period. Yet the long-awaited documents leave out a great deal. Large sections are censored, showing that the C.I.A. still cannot bring itself to expose all the skeletons in its closet. And many activities about overseas operations disclosed years ago by journalists, Congressional investigators and a presidential commission are not detailed in the papers.
  With an almost endless supply of money, do you think the CIA and other agencies are operating any differently than they have in the past? Mark Mazzetti, who wrote the above, doesn't.

  Over the last couple of years, numerous authors have reported on specific aspects of America’s counterterrorism effort, including the Navy SEAL team operations, the bin Laden raid, other targeted killings and the drone strikes.

  The virtue of Mark Mazzetti’s new book, “The Way of the Knife,” is the way in which it perceptively ties all these events together and paints the larger picture: Since the Sept. 11 attacks, America has gradually developed a new way of war, one that thoroughly relies on secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon. It “is now easier,” Mr. Mazzetti writes, “for the United States to carry out killing operations at the ends of the earth than at any time in its history.”

  Such actions are not unprecedented, as Mr. Mazzetti, a national security correspondent for The New York Times, acknowledges in his book. The C.I.A. carried out large-scale paramilitary operations in Vietnam and supported them in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Pentagon has long engaged in spying.
  So instead of listenng to Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, the NRA and the like, telling you to be afraid of the "scary black man" in 'Your White House'...
  Maybe you should be asking this question...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Atta Boy Darrell!!! Keep Those IRS Investigations Going!

The Grand Obstuctionist Party in action.

The jackholes aren't going to stop trying to get that 'uppity boy' out of "THEIR WHITE HOUSE".

And this is the guy that is going after him? With a rap sheet like this he couldn't get a job at McDonalds.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday became the latest Republican to reject Darrell Issa's comments that White House press secretary Jay Carney is a "paid liar" in relation to the IRS controversy. But Graham went further than his Republican colleagues, saying there's no evidence that the White House ordered the tax agency to target conservative groups.

During an interview with "Kilmeade and Friends" on Fox News Radio, Graham said Issa, a California Republican, was a key player in investigating the matter as the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. But, he conceded, "you can go too far" with personal allegations.

On Sunday, Issa accused the White House of ordering the IRS to target conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status in 2012, even though a 48-page report by the IRS Inspector General and testimony from multiple IRS officials cleared the White House of any involvement. Issa has nonetheless insisted IRS agents were being "ordered from Washington." He specifically directed his criticism at Carney, who has maintained the administration played no role in the targeting and only learned of the matter once an investigation was complete.

One can only hope that they keep investigating, even in the face of evidence that there is or was nothing to warrant such an investigation.

To bad the republicans have been taken over by the teabaggers.

What a bunch of putzes.


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Romney’s Magic Whiteboard

Maybe he should have kept the Etch-a-Sketch.
I think I’ve just about got it!
“Just follow these easy instructions and soon you to, will be putting money in off shore accounts.”
When I become President…

We need to keep saying over and over…President Obama’s campaign should take the high road and campaign like an adult.


What to do or say when asked about taxes.



Hmmm…My pyramid shaped vault is almost full.



Thanks for visiting.
Take care.


Friday, March 2, 2012


   While the ship was destined for failure from the very start because of poor leadership and cost over runs that wiped out all money surpluses, construction continued, paid for by borrowing staggering amounts of money from China, cutting taxes on the wealthiest in America and letting banks and large corporations do whatever they pleased.
  • Even after starting two illegal, unfunded wars that killed and wounded thousands of American troops because weren’t supplied with the right equipment like armored vehicles and bullet proof vests for years after the fighting started, construction continued.
  • Even after passing an unfunded medicare drug program that made the drug companies millions while making it harder on medicare recipients, construction continued.
  • Even after pouring millions upon millions of dollars into Iraq that kept disappearing because there was no accountability on where the money went or how it was used, construction continued.
  • Even after stagnating the economy by catering to the rich while letting most of  America continue to work for just above poverty wages and letting millions of jobs leave the country so corporations could make even bigger profits while putting millions of Americans out of work and increasing the federal deficit, construction continued.
   Construction only stopped when it was realized that the American people were tired of all the money disappearing in the two wars and no one being held accountable and that they were going to be out of office soon.
   But being the arrogant bastards that they are, even though the ship wasn’t finished, they decided to launch the ship anyway and when it sank they blamed everybody but themselves for their failures.
  • But don’t worry.
  • Americans know why the ship sank.
   Except for those delusional, out-of-touch-with-reality-people that still wonders why the ship sank and thinks that the same failed policies will somehow fix everything.
   I posted this because of a teabagger email that is going around that has the baggers all tingly but I won’t post any links to it. If you want to know about  them you have to get the info yourself. I won't advertise for them. But be warned. It’s more of that “teabagger intellect” that they are so famous for.

   Okay, I just searched online and found out that there is a video from August 19, 2008 that has all the basics of this “new” email. Only the last picture is changed because the teabaggers think that just because they changed the last picture no one will see them for the racist assholes that they are.
  • The video is three and a half years old!!!!
  • Almost three months before he was even elected!!!!
  But with the economy and America getting a little better the teabaggers have to dig deep to find out anything to trash President Obama instead of being happy that things are getting a little better.
   I have seen some republicans smile when talking about the gas prices going up.
  • Why do the republicans and teabaggers hate America and the American people?
  • Why do they hate President Obama so much that they want to see America and/or the whole world fail just so they can say…