
Showing posts with label democratic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democratic. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Boehnering Of America

Or more aptly, 'The Boehnering(Boning?) Of America ', under his leadership as The Speaker of the House.
A prime example of the GOP's disconnect with reality.
By now isn't it up to 40 times?
The hell of it is, President Obama will probably negotiate more of the middle class, poor, disabled and elderly benefits away under the guise of "bipartisanship".
 I can only hope that President Obama and more democrats find a spine somewhere.

Then when they do, now what to do with it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Over 400,000 votes in Az have NOT yet been counted! Maybe 600000+

The story broke this morning and the estimate was 400,000. It’s now being predicted that it’s up to 600,000+

Petra Falcon, executive director of Promise Arizona, said she was told that 200,000 provisional ballots were cast, as well as 200,000 early ballots. She said counting of those votes will not even begin until this morning and she feared the Maricopa County sheriff’s race would be called before then. And it was, with Sheriff Joe Arpaio beating Democrat Paul Penzone to win his sixth term in office.
“Four hundred thousand ballots — that’s a lot,” Falcon said. “Even if it’s an Arpaio win, those votes should be counted.”
Roopali Desai, Promise Arizona’s attorney, said the number of provisional ballots is “unprecedented” in Arizona — or anywhere. “Nobody can explain it,” she added. “We’re trying to get to the bottom of it.”

If you are in Arizona, Please sign!!!!
I saw this on Democratic Underground.
If the bastards can’t win national elections without cheating maybe they can win states or locals.

Obama Wins!!!!

A little(?) late but it has been busy and exciting  the past 3 or 4 days.
I am so happy. And tired. I have been so busy the past several weeks helping the Obama campaign by doing up mailers, making calls and any other way to help from my home. And having repeated arthritis problems that seemed to concentrate in my feet, hands and elbows didn’t help things either. Hopefully I can get back on some kind of schedule again.
Well, here’s some toons from last night and today.





Suck eggs Mitch.


KKKarl wasn’t very philosophical on election night when his lapdog lost. He was practically pissing himself trying to convince anyone around him that Rmoney had a chance after everyone had called the election for President Obama. That was one of the thins that made the hard work worth it the pain.








Thank you for visiting.
This was posted on President Obama’s face book page at about 5:00P.M. today.
The caption said, ‘Thank you’.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Details Of Romney’s Tax Plan

My arthritis in my hands has been so bad for several days it’s been hard to press the stupid keys.
But I had to share this.
It will make the whole plan clear.
I can’t even take the most effective drugs because of reactions to them.
I think the worst thing that happens, is when my leg that has venous stasis, just starts oozing blood through the skin.
OTC works just as well as most scripts that I can take.
Well, enjoy the tax plan.
Pretty good debate tonight.
IMHO President Obama won. I don’t think Mittens was happy when he was called out on things he said that weren’t true.

That is not a happy camper.
Thanks for visiting.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh Boy! Secret Ryan Tape: He describes Social Security & Medicare as “collectivist” & “socialistic.”


I notice that nowhere did Lyin' Ryan mention that he collected social security after his dad died, as did his hero Rand when she got old and sick.

Those dickhead, hypocrite bastards.



This is the event where Ryan stated that Rand was the “one thinker” who is the “reason I got involved in public service;” and that Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are “required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.”  Statements he would latter dismiss as “urban legends.”
The speech has been hidden in plain sight on the Atlas Society website, which offers only a partial transcript.  This omits several revealing passages that illuminate Ryan’s philosophy as it relates to policy priorities.

It is impossible to summarize these statements without sounding like a breathless conspiracy theorist.  Here’s what Ryan says.  Don’t trust my bullets.  Read the transcript.  Don’t trust my transcript, listen to the audio on the Atlas Society site.
(Just scroll to the bottom of the text about Ryan (above), and you'll see a grey icon of a speaker and an arrow. Click on the arrow and the audio will play. The grey audio player is located directly above the golden star rating.)

  • Ryan describes Social Security and Medicare as “collectivist” and “socialistic.” 

  • Ryan’s strategic plan:  privatize Social Security and Medicare in order to convert people from “collectivism” to believers in a “individualist capitalist” philosophy.  So that there will be “more people on our team” who “won’t listen to” Democrats. 

  • Ryan’s acceptance of Pinochet’s Secretary of Social Security José Piñera’s similar program of Social Security privatization as a “moral revolution” that made Marxists into capitalists who started to read the Chilean equivalent of the Wall Street Journal.  Ryan is overheard, “Yeah”  “That’s right.”

    For Ryan “defined benefit” programs such as Social Security and Medicare are problems in themselves. This isn’t something he saves for gatherings of the Ayn Rand Society, such concerns about “dependency” are scattered throughout his Path to Prosperity—again hidden in plain sight. This transcript doesn’t so much reveal a secret, as highlight a clear theme in his policy rationale that is always present, but in more public settings subordinated to his prophecies of fiscal apocalypse. Thus, it is no surprise his budget cuts the safety net and radically reshapes Medicare first and addresses the deficit later.


    In the published transcript Ryan states that like Rand, he views all political and policy questions as battle between individualism and collectivism.

    (2:38) In almost every fight we are involved in here, on Capitol Hill, whether it’s an amendment vote that I’ll take later on this afternoon, or a big piece of policy we’re putting through our Ways and Means Committee, it is a fight that usually comes down to one conflict: individualism vs. collectivism.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Romney’s Magic Whiteboard

Maybe he should have kept the Etch-a-Sketch.
I think I’ve just about got it!
“Just follow these easy instructions and soon you to, will be putting money in off shore accounts.”
When I become President…

We need to keep saying over and over…President Obama’s campaign should take the high road and campaign like an adult.


What to do or say when asked about taxes.



Hmmm…My pyramid shaped vault is almost full.



Thanks for visiting.
Take care.
