
Showing posts with label The republican war against women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The republican war against women. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

When Safe Abortion isn't a Choice

How they get even a single female vote is beyond me.


>>"Someone’s grandma might know about the old days. Drinking turpentine or Clorox, which is what the poorest women often did. They also took massive doses of quinine. Equally dangerous and, like the household cleaners, not a particularly effective abortifacient. Although as faded memories become urban myths no one seems to remember that these methods don’t work and often kill, and so they remain in the lexicon of “options.”

>>"Many women find their way to people who offer certain “skills.” Procedures, if you can even call them that, offered in back rooms. Rooms that don’t have an autoclave to sterilize tools or even basic resuscitation equipment. Some rooms have the essence of respectability, many do not. Almost none are operated by anyone who has more than a cursory knowledge of the reproductive tract.
On kitchen tables these women lie. Some might be offered a Valium or a Vicodin. For a price. It might ease the pain a little. These medications may also makes them less likely to cry during the sexual assault that can be part of the deal. After all, who is going to complain about getting raped at their illegal abortion?"

>>"But if she is so alone, so alone that she can’t fathom asking anyone she might take a stick, or a coat hanger, or a knitting needle and stick it up her vagina. She won’t know about the cervical os, the opening of the cervix, or that she has no hope of finding it blindinly. She’ll push. It will hurt. A lot. But she’s desperate. She might stick it into her uterus, or right through the uterus into bowel. After two or three days of fevers and cramping and vomiting she might go to the hospital and hopefully the damage and infection will be confined to her uterus. She might also slice through blood vessels and bleed to death by herself on her bathroom floor."

  They worship the fetus and loathe the child.
  And the mother doesn't count at all.
  This isn't about morals or morality. It's about control. It's about putting women in their place by frightened, bigotted, misogynic, and I use the term loosely, "men", that can't adjust to to women having control or an equal say in this country.

  They have been watching their control of every aspect of this country slip away for several decades and have decided to try and gain some sort of control by waging a war of sorts on women, children and the poor and disabled.

  But the 'ultimate insult' to their authority is in the White House and if it takes throwing the country under the bus to get him (President Obama) out of there then the disenfranchised and poor in the country are just collateral damage.

  Those crazy f**ks have got to be voted out and/or never voted in.
Especially jackholes like this...

Mississippi Representative Lester "Bubba" Carpenter gloating that he and his anti-choice cronies had passed a bill that could effectively put an end to safe, legal abortion in the state of Mississippi. The money quote:
It's going to be challenged, of course, in the Supreme Court and all — but literally, we stopped abortion in the state of Mississippi, legally, without having to — Roe vs. Wade. So we've done that. I was proud of it. The governor signed it into law. And of course, there you have the other side. They're like, 'Well, the poor pitiful women that can't afford to go out of state are just going to start doing them at home with a coat hanger. That's what we've learned over and over and over.'

But hey, you have to have moral values. You have to start somewhere."
Makes a person wonder if his parents had any intelligent children that lived.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Good. Partiotic. Christian. Conservatives.

What is "GOOD"?
What is "PATRIOTIC"?
What is "CHRISTIAN"?

   I thought I knew what those words meant. Maybe I don't. Because after reading an article about what Tara Servatius wrote about statements made by President Obama regarding same sex marriage in North Carolina, and statements that others have made about the president since he was, and even before he was elected.
   Maybe I don't. Maybe those words mean this.
What is Good. Patriotic. or Christian. about this picture? Or more to the point. What is Good. Patriotic. or Christian, about the person that posted the picture?

This is a picture posted by Tara Servatius. She was so proud of it that she posted it on her Facebook page. It has since been taken down from her Facebook page and from the John Locke Foundation website. But they weren't fast enough. Above is the picture from the website and here is a screen grab from her Facebook.
 Link to a better pic.
   They are so proud of it that they scrubbed it from all the sites that they have control over.
    "The John Locke Foundation is funded in large part by conservative millionaire Art Pope, which is why the website Art Pope Exposed managed to catch the racist, homophobic image, called "Obama Gay" before the Foundation took it down."

   And she has resigned.Maybe she can get a job writing for The John Birch Society.

Start them out young.

    As parents, they can hope their children do better than them.
Maybe even surpassing them by doing more than the parents accomplished.

Although the bar has been set pretty high, there is hope for the up-and-comers with the leaders and talking heads of the republican party preaching for the killing of democrats.

  • Rush Limbaugh: "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus – living fossils – so we will never forget what these people stood for."

  •  Senator Phil Gramm: "We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."

  • Rep. James Hansen on Bill Clinton: Get rid of the guy. Impreach him, censure him, assassinate him."

  •  John Derbyshire intimated in the National Review that because Chelsea Clinton had "the taint," she should "be killed."

  • Ann Coulter: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."

  •  Rep. John Sullivan (R) OK, said this;
"I supported the Paul Ryan budget and sent it over to the Senate. Now I live with some Senators, I yell at them all the time, I grabbed one of them the other day and shook him and I’d love to get them to vote for it — boy I’d love that. You know but other than me going over there with a gun and holding it to their head and maybe killing a couple of them, I don’t think they’re going to listen unless they get beat." 

   Yup, there's nothing like talking about killing someone to get your point across if they don't agree with you on something.

   So keep up the violent talk, keep up the attack on women's rights and keep up your lies about how the country is continuing to go downhill and how the economy is getting worse.
   Keep up the denials of racism and that you hope the country fails just so President Obama isn't re-elected even if it means another recession for the country or possibly even the world.
   More and more people in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world are seeing you for what you are. We are looking behind the curtain and we don't like what we see.

   Unfortunately, more and more there seems to be more violent talk coming from the republican conservatives these days. But not do they seem not to care, more often than not, they double down on the crazy talk like they are in a contest to see who can out crazy the other.

And that is what seems to define the conservative movement these days.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Georgia Rep Wants To Force Women To Carry Stillborn Babies To Term

Link Here

"In today’s news about more men who want to control women’s bodies, Georgia’s state representative, Terry England, wants to force us to carry stillborn fetuses to term–just like cows and pigs do, he says. Because, you know, women are just like barnyard animals."

"As if that insensitivity wasn’t enough, he then referenced the livestock on the farm where he once worked and how they had to sometimes deliver stillborn animals:
Life gives us many experiences…I’ve had the experience of delivering calves, dead and alive. Delivering pigs, dead or alive. It breaks our hearts to see those animals not make it.
In other words, if a cow or pig can give birth to a dead baby, then a woman should too. So what if it’s just plain cruel to force a woman to carry a stillborn fetus to term and then make her undergo labor. We are no different than cows or pigs, right? Yeah, that’s logic that just makes a lot of sense and is filled with so much compassion and understanding of women."

   I also worked on a cattle farm and a pig farm for a total of 8yrs. and thousands of live deliveries. I delivered dead pigs and calves. Not once did we wait several days for the dead fetus to spontaneously abort but got it out of the mother as soon as possible. The risk of sepsis was to great.

   This is just another example of a republican/tea party member wanting to control women's lives.


Breaking: "First Degree Homicide Of The Unborn Child Bill" Passes CO House On Second Reading

Horrible news for women's rights from the state House tonight.
From State Rep Daniel Kagan (D) regarding HB 12-1130:
"...we were unable to prevent the Republican majority in the House from passing on second reading the First Degree Homicide of the Unborn Child bill. Under some circumstances, it makes both termination of pregnancy and the use of the morning after pill a homicide. It also confers personhood on a newly fertilized egg."
Link Here

Is this what The Tea Party means they say they want less government control and intervention of a person's life?

How long before they declare that an unfertilized egg or a single sperm wasted, in any way, no matter what the activity, is a crime?

Think about it. Really.... Really.... Think about it.

New Hampshire House of Representatives says abortion causes cancer

Just ask them.

Link Here

>>New Hampshire's Tea Party-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would mandate a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion and require doctors to tell women that abortion causes breast cancer.

>>Notter could not be reached for comment Wednesday, but has said in the past she believes there is an abortion-cancer connection. In an interview last month with Merrimack Patch, Notter said she understood that abortion would cause spaces in breast duct tissue to allow for the growth of cancer cells. She said she believed birth control pills lead to the same issue. Notter last month also said that she believed that birth control pills taken by women cause prostate cancer in their male children.

And, if she believes in her heart that there is an abortion-cancer connection….

Then it must be true. Despite there being no factual data to back it up.