
Showing posts with label Social security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social security. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Romney campaign worker says parents on welfare should be executed.

From this article;

"I'll tell you what really need to do with these illegitimate families on welfare—give all the kids up for adoption and execute the parents."

"Yes, I mean it. Get rid of all of them, give the kids up for adoption, execute the parents, and you get rid of the problem.” (When I call him back to revisit the issue, he elaborates: “put the children up for adoption and execute the parents, and word would get out soon” that poor people shouldn’t have kids.)

Yup. That will solve the problems of the country.
While we are at it , lets give everyone IQ tests, and everyone that doesn't test out at say...100, they get executed too.
Or if they are on social security/medicare/medicaid and don't have a part time job(20+hrs./wk) until the age of 75, they're put down too. If you're to disabled to work and your family can't help you and you have no insurance, you're history.

I wonder how many "poor people" that rat bastard SOB has killed or had a hand in killing under the guise of white sheets and a pointy white hat?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Romney’s Magic Whiteboard

Maybe he should have kept the Etch-a-Sketch.
I think I’ve just about got it!
“Just follow these easy instructions and soon you to, will be putting money in off shore accounts.”
When I become President…

We need to keep saying over and over…President Obama’s campaign should take the high road and campaign like an adult.


What to do or say when asked about taxes.



Hmmm…My pyramid shaped vault is almost full.



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