
Showing posts with label racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racist. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Is Racism Dead?

It seems that 'protesting while black' is a crime in 'merica.

This is so disturbing!

According to the survey taken, Michael Brown’s SKIN was his SIN. Unarmed, running away, surrendering doesn’t mean a DAMN thing. Whites in St Louis County says Darren Wilson was justified for shooting down Michael Brown. It makes you wonder about who is on that Grand Jury.

1. Was Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson justified in shooting Michael Brown?
Whites: Yes (62%)
Blacks: No (65%)

2. Who is most responsible for the violence in Ferguson after Michael Brown’s death?
46 percent of whites blame organized street gangs for the looting and chaos that gripped Ferguson for days after the shooting. Blacks blame law enforcement and community activists, both with 27 percent. Only 7 percent of whites said law enforcement was to blame.

3. Was Michael Brown targeted by Officer Darren Wilson because of his race?
Whites: No (77 %)
Blacks: Yes (64%)

4. Should Officer Darren Wilson be arrested and charged with a crime?
Whites: No (72%)
Blacks: Yes (71%)

5. Can Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch fairly prosecute the criminal case against Officer Darren Wilson?
Whites: Yes (71%)
Blacks: No (60%)

This should come as no surprise. McCulloch has been reelected to his post for decades by the county’s majority-white voting base, while black community leaders have organized protests, boycotts and a highway shutdown to get him thrown off the case.

6. Do police target black people because of their race?
White: No (61%)
Black: Yes (70%)

Read more about it here: Opinions on Ferguson violence

The full study is here: Ferguson Public Opinion

Until some people get over the idea that 'white is right' we will continue to have this problem. But as long as we have hate organizations like Fox Faux News that cater to the low information, mouth breathing knuckle draggers that make up the reTHUGlican, CONservative Teabagger Party we can look forward to more of this bullshit.

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Texas GOP Congressman:We Probably Have Enough Votes In House To Impeach Obama

In his bizzarro, racist, dumbshit mind I bet he does think like that.
After all, anybody that looks and acts like this, and wants to be a politician, can't have both oars in the water.
But then, look who I'm talking about. A teabagging republican that thinks the rules apply to everyone but him.
Here's the story.  Grand Obstructionist Party delusions.
As you can see, he does The Lone Star state proud.
I wonder if he is one of the 'good, christian, conservatives' that we hear so much about.

What's his crime? You stupid...shit...teabagging...lying...asshole.

Being President while black?

I can't believe that anyone voted for this stupid fuck!
  The only good thing is that him and others like him can't shut up and will continue to say the dumb assed things that they are so good at.
  Because the more dumb-shit things that they say, and the more often that they say them, can only help to kick their sorry, racist, bigotted asses out of power once and for all.
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Friday, August 2, 2013

The Boehnering Of America

Or more aptly, 'The Boehnering(Boning?) Of America ', under his leadership as The Speaker of the House.
A prime example of the GOP's disconnect with reality.
By now isn't it up to 40 times?
The hell of it is, President Obama will probably negotiate more of the middle class, poor, disabled and elderly benefits away under the guise of "bipartisanship".
 I can only hope that President Obama and more democrats find a spine somewhere.

Then when they do, now what to do with it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

President Decides To Skip D-Day Speech.

President Bush that is.

  He only gave 2 D-Day speeches in the 8 years that he was Cheney's and Rummy's puppet. But the Breitfart blog fails to say anything about that.He also neglected to say anything about Romney not making a speech last year even though he was running for President. Guess the white guys get a free pass.

  In 2001, Bush spoke at the dedication of the National D-Day Memorial. In 2004, he and French president Jacques Chirac marked the 60th anniversary of D-Day at the American Cemetery in Normandy.

In 2008, however, if you scroll down to June 6, you see that Bush gave interviews to reporters from French, Italian, and Slovenian TV; he sent Congress a message warning about dangers in Belarus; he commemorated Flag Day and National Flag Week; he swore in a new HUD secretary; he signed a law "which makes miscellaneous changes to laws relating to the Federal Aid Highway, Mass Transit, and Highway Safety Programs"; and he participated in a panel on China earthquake relief. Nothing about D-Day.

There's nothing about D-Day on June 6, 2007, or June 6, 2006, or June 6, 2005. (Bush did celebrate Black Music Month at the White House on June 6, 2005; good thing Obama didn't try that.) 2003? Nothing. 2002? Nothing. (We did get an "Executive Order Amendment to Executive Order 13180, Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization," on June 6, 2002, but nothing about D-Day.)
Check out what a supposed Christian thinks about President Obama.

Idioy teabaggers00
Breitfart shitheads keep the hate going.
  Ok you racist fucks, I direct your attention to President George W. Bush's archived White House Web site. Go here. In the left column, click on June for each Bush's presidential years.

  I doubt that any of you will because that means you would have to put down the crack pipe and or Mad Dog and learn something you stupid bastards.

  So just go on your merry way you dipshits, we need the material.


Don't forget to salute your flag.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Atta Boy Darrell!!! Keep Those IRS Investigations Going!

The Grand Obstuctionist Party in action.

The jackholes aren't going to stop trying to get that 'uppity boy' out of "THEIR WHITE HOUSE".

And this is the guy that is going after him? With a rap sheet like this he couldn't get a job at McDonalds.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday became the latest Republican to reject Darrell Issa's comments that White House press secretary Jay Carney is a "paid liar" in relation to the IRS controversy. But Graham went further than his Republican colleagues, saying there's no evidence that the White House ordered the tax agency to target conservative groups.

During an interview with "Kilmeade and Friends" on Fox News Radio, Graham said Issa, a California Republican, was a key player in investigating the matter as the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. But, he conceded, "you can go too far" with personal allegations.

On Sunday, Issa accused the White House of ordering the IRS to target conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status in 2012, even though a 48-page report by the IRS Inspector General and testimony from multiple IRS officials cleared the White House of any involvement. Issa has nonetheless insisted IRS agents were being "ordered from Washington." He specifically directed his criticism at Carney, who has maintained the administration played no role in the targeting and only learned of the matter once an investigation was complete.

One can only hope that they keep investigating, even in the face of evidence that there is or was nothing to warrant such an investigation.

To bad the republicans have been taken over by the teabaggers.

What a bunch of putzes.


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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Over 400,000 votes in Az have NOT yet been counted! Maybe 600000+

The story broke this morning and the estimate was 400,000. It’s now being predicted that it’s up to 600,000+

Petra Falcon, executive director of Promise Arizona, said she was told that 200,000 provisional ballots were cast, as well as 200,000 early ballots. She said counting of those votes will not even begin until this morning and she feared the Maricopa County sheriff’s race would be called before then. And it was, with Sheriff Joe Arpaio beating Democrat Paul Penzone to win his sixth term in office.
“Four hundred thousand ballots — that’s a lot,” Falcon said. “Even if it’s an Arpaio win, those votes should be counted.”
Roopali Desai, Promise Arizona’s attorney, said the number of provisional ballots is “unprecedented” in Arizona — or anywhere. “Nobody can explain it,” she added. “We’re trying to get to the bottom of it.”

If you are in Arizona, Please sign!!!!
I saw this on Democratic Underground.
If the bastards can’t win national elections without cheating maybe they can win states or locals.