President Bush that is.
He only gave 2 D-Day speeches in the 8 years that he was Cheney's and Rummy's puppet. But the Breitfart blog fails to say anything about that.He also neglected to say anything about Romney not making a speech last year even though he was running for President. Guess the white guys get a free pass.
In 2001, Bush spoke at the dedication of the National D-Day Memorial. In 2004, he and French president Jacques Chirac marked the 60th anniversary of D-Day at the American Cemetery in Normandy.
In 2008, however, if you scroll down to June 6, you see that Bush gave interviews to reporters from French, Italian, and Slovenian TV; he sent Congress a message warning about dangers in Belarus; he commemorated Flag Day and National Flag Week; he swore in a new HUD secretary; he signed a law "which makes miscellaneous changes to laws relating to the Federal Aid Highway, Mass Transit, and Highway Safety Programs"; and he participated in a panel on China earthquake relief. Nothing about D-Day.
There's nothing about D-Day on June 6, 2007, or June 6, 2006, or June 6, 2005. (Bush did celebrate Black Music Month at the White House on June 6, 2005; good thing Obama didn't try that.) 2003? Nothing. 2002? Nothing. (We did get an "Executive Order Amendment to Executive Order 13180, Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization," on June 6, 2002, but nothing about D-Day.)
Check out what a supposed Christian thinks about President Obama.
Breitfart shitheads keep the hate going.
Ok you racist fucks, I direct your attention to President George W. Bush's archived White House Web site. Go here. In the left column, click on June for each Bush's presidential years.
I doubt that any of you will because that means you would have to put down the crack pipe and or Mad Dog and learn something you stupid bastards.
So just go on your merry way you dipshits, we need the material.
Don't forget to salute your flag.
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