
Showing posts with label timeline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label timeline. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Facebook Changes Everyone’s Email Without Permission

Facebook recently changed everyone’s email address on their profile to one ending in  If you are like me and want people to be able to see your real email, here is how to fix that:
  • Go to your profile and click ABOUT, directly beneath your profile picture [for those of you still on the old system, click INFO;
  • Scroll down to the area entitled CONTACT INFO and click on EDIT;
  • The top section will be your email addresses.
  • To remove the email address click on the triangle symbol pointing downwards to the right of that email address and select HIDDEN FROM TIMELINE.
  • To add your own email address back into your profile, you simply do the reverse.  You go to the triangle to the far right of the email address you want to show and click on it and select SHOWN ON TIMELINE.
  • IMPORTANT:  To finish, scroll to the bottom of that window and click on SAVE and you are done.