
Showing posts with label congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label congress. Show all posts

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Why Does Mitch McConnell Want To Kill Kentuckians And Cause Higher Unemployment In Kentucky?

The reason for the title is in the video. He wants to do away with the ACA (ObamaCare) and black lung insurance benefits for coal miners. DESPICABLE to say the least!

He, like other reTHUGliCONS, seem intent on making life as hard on America, and Americans, as they possibly can.

What I can't understand is how reTHUGliCONS and Teabaggers can vote against their own interests by voting for This Koch brothers backed slimeball. Someone needs to ask him why he is so intent on killing Kentuckians? On second thought I, and everyone with functioning brain cells, know why they vote like they do. It's sad and disgusting.

The video won't post but you can see it here.
This guy sums up what the republican party is all about since President Obama was elected, and before, while he was running. And, he's a republican.

If you want to know what this pic is about, go here. 

I was so disappointed in Clint Eastwood. I'd never have thought that he was racist and an asshole.
For more context on the republican thought process...

From the article;
"“Common Core,” the name for a set of national education standards, is the latest rallying cry for right-wing activists. Derided as “Obamacore,” it’s been attacked as a government attempt to usurp local curriculums and impose liberal values on conservative communities. Glenn Beck calls it a plot to turn children into “cogs” under a police state, and several Republican politicians have jumped on the bandwagon, denouncing the Obama administration for supporting the standards.

If this is confusing to ordinary observers—there’s nothing totalitarian about guidelines for what students should know at the end of each grade—it’s bewildering for Common Core advocates, who just four years ago were a boring part of the American policy landscape. Common Core was a bipartisan initiative, with support from the vast majority of governors, including Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal, who has since reversed course as he preps for a potential 2016 presidential run.
What happened to make Common Core an object of hate for conservative activists? The answer is easy: “The Republican revolt against the Common Core,” noted the New York Times on Saturday, “can be traced to President Obama’s embrace of it.”
Thanks for visiting.
Take care.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

House Speaker Boehner's Insurance Premium Nearly Doubles Under The ACA

Lying by omission and half-truths.

I don't know if it's a politician thing or a republican thing.

All I know is that the rethugs seem to lie about everything. If they open their mouth...They lie.

If it can put President Obama in a bad light, so much the better.

Poor boehner. The drunken sot is being asked to pay his fair share because of an amendment by Rethuglican Sen. Chuck Grassley.


In his weekly press conference on Dec. 5, Boehner bemoaned the cost of his new insurance. “My health insurance premiums are gonna double,” Boehner said. “My co-pays and deductibles tripled under Obamacare.” He added, sarcastically, “I’m thrilled to death as you can tell.”


Boehner reported that, under his current plan, he pays premiums of $433 a month for him and his wife, with a $700 deductible. But Boehner doesn’t need a joint health plan next year because his wife just turned 65, and is therefore eligible for Medicare. Fox News reported that Boehner’s wife, Debbie, had already applied for Medicare Part A, the premium-free hospital care program. Boehner’s office reported that in order to enroll in Medicare Parts B and D — to make the switch comparable — she’d have to pay up to $400 per month.

That left Boehner shopping for a plan just for himself. He selected a Blue Cross PPO plan with a $1,000 deductible — one described by Care First Blue Cross as the one “that most closely matches the benefits” in the current federal employee plan. It’s got the same network of doctors. The plan has a monthly premium of $875.32 for someone 64 years old, like Boehner. The federal government picks up 75 percent of the premium (up to a maximum of $426 per month) — so the cost to Boehner is $449 per month.

To sum up, Boehner is paying $433 a month now. His new plan will cost $449 a month plus up to $400 a month for his wife’s Medicare plan, for a total of $849 — nearly twice his current premium of $433.

The couple’s combined cost is comparable, Boehner said, to what he would have paid for a joint plan on the exchange that is similar to the one he has now. He said that would have cost $802 per month in premiums, with a $2,000 deductible.

The bottom line could have been worse for Boehner. Under the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can charge smokers, such as Boehner, up to 50 percent more — unless a state expressly prohibits charging higher premiums based on tobacco use. Washington, D.C., happens to be one of the few that does not allow insurance companies to charge extra for smokers.  There are seven states with a similar policy, according to, including: California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.


But there’s a big caveat with the Medicare cost for Boehner’s wife.

As columnist Michael Hiltzik explained in the Los Angeles Times, Medicare premiums are based on income. Boehner’s office declined to tell us the married couple’s combined salary, only that their income would result in Medicare premiums of around $400 per month. In order to have to pay that much for Medicare Part B and D next year, a couple would have to earn more than $428,000 a year. If a couple had a combined income above $428,000, they’d have to pay $336 per month for Medicare Part B and another $69 per month for Part D (the drug premium) in 2014.


Boehner is paying more for his insurance, and he has a higher deductible. There’s no denying this is a bad switch for him.  But, again, that’s mostly because he’s an anomaly. He’s paying more for his wife’s Medicare because the Boehners earn far more than most Americans. And he pays more for his premium because he’s 64 years old.

Article at link:

I have two words for you boehner...


My wife and I are disabled. We get $809/month on my disability. At the moment that's all the money we get a month. We get $270/month food stamps(SNAP).

Starting on Jan. 1, 2014 that goes down to $265/month. Last month(Nov.) it went down $20. A year ago November, we were getting $316/month.

That's $51.00 less that we can't buy milk or fresh vegetables with. Which, because of my medical problems(heart being the worst), my doctor says I should eat.

We are now surviving on $1.45 per person, per meal.

That's a lot pasta and more processed food full of salt, sodium and starch. All bad for my heart.

So the money that I get from SS won't even pay for your insurance premium.

And you're bitching???


Although on the upside for you rethugs I'll probably die sooner rather than later because of my, now worse, diet.

But then that's part of the teabaggers and rethugs health plan.

  • Don't get sick.
  • If you get sick...
And what's a few lies if it furthers your agenda of hating President Obama and obstructing everything that he is trying to accomplish.

Go to hell you bastard.

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Texas GOP Congressman:We Probably Have Enough Votes In House To Impeach Obama

In his bizzarro, racist, dumbshit mind I bet he does think like that.
After all, anybody that looks and acts like this, and wants to be a politician, can't have both oars in the water.
But then, look who I'm talking about. A teabagging republican that thinks the rules apply to everyone but him.
Here's the story.  Grand Obstructionist Party delusions.
As you can see, he does The Lone Star state proud.
I wonder if he is one of the 'good, christian, conservatives' that we hear so much about.

What's his crime? You stupid...shit...teabagging...lying...asshole.

Being President while black?

I can't believe that anyone voted for this stupid fuck!
  The only good thing is that him and others like him can't shut up and will continue to say the dumb assed things that they are so good at.
  Because the more dumb-shit things that they say, and the more often that they say them, can only help to kick their sorry, racist, bigotted asses out of power once and for all.
Thank you for visiting.

Friday, June 7, 2013

So You Want Your Country Back

Well...Lotsa luck with that.

  We haven't really had it since the U.S. created the huge web of intelligence agencies after WWII. And as long as they still operate, unrestrained, with enormous budgets, we won't.

  Gov't agencies like the CIA, the NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency, and the 12 other National Security Agencies are largely unchecked. From their budgets, to their activities, they operate in almost total secrecy, and not just from the American people, but from Congress, and to some degree from whatever administration is in power.

  You want to talk about too big to be controlled, then let's talk about the National Security Community.
  The U.S. intelligence budget (excluding the Military Intelligence Program) in fiscal year 2010 was $53.1 billion, according to a disclosure required under a recent law implementing recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. This figure is up from $49.8 billion in 2009, $47.5 billion in 2008, $43.5 billion in 2007, and $40.9 billion in 2006.

  In a statement on the release of new declassified figures, DNI Mike McConnell said there would be no additional disclosures of classified budget information beyond the overall spending figure because "such disclosures could harm national security." How the money is divided among the 16 intelligence agencies and what it is spent on is classified. It includes salaries for about 100,000 people, multi-billion dollar satellite programs, aircraft, weapons, electronic sensors, intelligence analysis, spies, computers, and software.

  About 70 percent of the intelligence budget goes to contractors for the procurement of technology and services (including analysis), according to a May 2007 chart from the Office of the DNI. Intelligence spending has increased by a third over ten years ago, in inflation-adjusted dollars, according to the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
  Is the NSA phone record grab the tip of the iceberg? Yes...Yes it is. Are some of those agencies actively spying on  Americans? Given their history, one would have to be blind or a fool not to believe that they aren't.

  Over the years, these agencies have probably done more to harm U.S. Security than to protect it. They what they want, when they want, to whomever they want, with near impunity. Although I bet that it's closer to clear impunity than we realize.

  If you think I'm kidding here are a few examples.

From 2007:

  Long-secret documents released Tuesday provide new details about how the Central Intelligence Agency illegally spied on Americans decades ago, from trying to bug a Las Vegas hotel room for evidence of infidelity to tracking down an expert lock picker for a Watergate conspirator.

  Known inside the agency as the �family jewels,� the 702 pages of documents released Tuesday catalog domestic wiretapping operations, failed assassination plots, mind-control experiments and spying on journalists from the early years of the C.I.A.�s existence.

  The papers provide evidence of paranoia and occasional incompetence as the agency began a string of illegal spying operations during the 1960s and 1970s, often to hunt links between Communist governments and the domestic protests that roiled the nation during that period. Yet the long-awaited documents leave out a great deal. Large sections are censored, showing that the C.I.A. still cannot bring itself to expose all the skeletons in its closet. And many activities about overseas operations disclosed years ago by journalists, Congressional investigators and a presidential commission are not detailed in the papers.
  With an almost endless supply of money, do you think the CIA and other agencies are operating any differently than they have in the past? Mark Mazzetti, who wrote the above, doesn't.

  Over the last couple of years, numerous authors have reported on specific aspects of America’s counterterrorism effort, including the Navy SEAL team operations, the bin Laden raid, other targeted killings and the drone strikes.

  The virtue of Mark Mazzetti’s new book, “The Way of the Knife,” is the way in which it perceptively ties all these events together and paints the larger picture: Since the Sept. 11 attacks, America has gradually developed a new way of war, one that thoroughly relies on secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon. It “is now easier,” Mr. Mazzetti writes, “for the United States to carry out killing operations at the ends of the earth than at any time in its history.”

  Such actions are not unprecedented, as Mr. Mazzetti, a national security correspondent for The New York Times, acknowledges in his book. The C.I.A. carried out large-scale paramilitary operations in Vietnam and supported them in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Pentagon has long engaged in spying.
  So instead of listenng to Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, the NRA and the like, telling you to be afraid of the "scary black man" in 'Your White House'...
  Maybe you should be asking this question...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stupid Is, As Stupid Does

This is from a blog that I check out. I didn't add or change anything.
This was sent to me in an email.
I got it after seeing the program FRONTLINE on PBS about Romney and President Obama.
I know that PBS wants to seem to be unbiased but this program, in my opinion, fell far short.
The following article mirrors many of my thoughts about the program.

We Have Got To Be The Dumbest Fucking People On Earth (PBS)

We've got to be. There's no other explanation.

For one, there's the idea that somehow we allow people to make the lunatic claim that the media is in the tank for the Dems or the left. Oh really? Romney tells Lehrer that he's going to fire his wobbly ass and we get the bullshit I'm about to detail below.

For two, there's this insane overreaction we have to the accusation of bias that makes us produce works of audacity (again, more below), that can only be described as... insane.

For three, I had a phone call earlier tonight with someone who seems to me to capture the essence of a political operative, in that she couldn't possibly understand her way out of a cardboard box, but that is another story for another time, and then, the other side has the same exact drone army filling out their own stooge-staffel.

Back to this PBS documentary.

I'm watching this shit, I'm 42 minutes in, and so far I've learned that Obama is a white black man, that during his New York years "he did the least" (that's right, the same New York years that would help him gain admission to Harvard fucking Law School) and that Romney's time in France was some sort of heroic, perilous journey.

And that France was awful tough.

Let me first point out that I was a kid in New York City when Barack Obama lived in Harlem. I saw it from a car window and from behind the bus windows, as we traveled out every day to Randall's Island. I have been around the world. The entire thing. Circumnavigated it. Been to some shitholes. Let me tell you, Harlem of that era is the scariest fucking place I have ever seen.

But back to Mitt Romney. This fucking asshole was dodging the draft, first in France, and then with a student deferment, and the PBS documentary not only never explicitly mentions that this asshole was avoiding the motherfucking Vietnam War by spending time nagging people in France, but presents it as a G**-damn hero's journey???

Are you fucking kidding me?

I will say it right now. I would rather spend two years a million times over in France, even getting doors shut on me for part of every day than spend a day in the jungles of Vietnam. It's not close. It's not close to close. It's described as "this difficult work." Not getting shot at and sweating and getting stung to death, but riding a fucking bicycle in France.

Riding a fucking bicycle in France!!!

And what was his great accomplishment? He converted TEN people. I suppose if you really think you're saving someone's soul, that's quite something, but presumably he was converting them from Christianity to Christianity and fuck this bullshit I can't be bothered with bending over backwards to shove something up my own ass in the service of being fair anymore.




I can't take it anymore. I just can't take it.

The next election, I'm doing whatever the fuck I want, and anyone who tells me no, or can't understand shit, or doesn't understand the "why" behind shit like, I don't know, reality, is getting a punch in the fucking jaw.

That's right. They're getting dropped.

I just can't take this.

And btw, his friend and fellow missionary admits what they don't run in the PBS documentary:

  • Most of the missionaries, though, were also relieved that their service meant a draft deferment. “I am sorry, but no one was excited to go and get killed in Vietnam,” Mr. Hansen said, acknowledging, “In hindsight, it is easy to be for the war when you don’t have to worry about going to Vietnam.”

  • Mr. Romney, though, said that he sometimes had wished he were in Vietnam instead of France. “There were surely times on my mission when I was having a particularly difficult time accomplishing very little when I would have longed for the chance to be serving in the military,” he said in an interview, “but that was not to be.”

  • While many Mormons — and eventually, some of his fellow missionaries — enlisted, Mr. Romney got a student deferment after returning from France.

Read paragraphs two and three together. Now do it again. Breathe in the insanity.

And that chickenshit bullshit is not getting this man hung?

We have got to be the dumbest fucking people on Earth. There is no other explanation.

My only consolation is the hope that nobody watches PBS.

I wasn't happy with the way that PBS covered the RNC or the DNCs'. While they were the more fair of any American coverage, it seemed that the slant was toward the right. I say that because the democrats didn't seem to get the chance that the republicans did when it came time to analyze the conventions at the end of each day or the end of the convention.

I don't know if it's money or what but I think that the country is being set up for President Obama to lose. With the electronic voting machines controlled by republican backed interests and big money from Super PACs buying the media...

If that happens God help the poor, sick, women, children and elderly.

That asshole is a sociopatic liar, coward and a bully. He shouldn't be within 1000 miles of the nuclear codes.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dear GOP


Powerful congressman accused of campaign finance violations

Now if only a Democrat would get up the backbone to start going after the GOP rat bastards as hard as the rethuglicans go after the Dems.
Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan, a self-made Florida millionaire, is only in his third term in Congress, but he already is in charge of fundraising for the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, and he sits on the powerful House Ways and Means committee.

But all that could be jeopardized. Federal investigations underway could result in Buchanan serving his next term behind bars.

CNN has confirmed there are no fewer than four congressional and federal investigations into Buchanan's business practices, his campaign finances and his alleged attempt to try to stop a witness from talking.

Now that witness is stepping forward in an exclusive interview with CNN. Buchanan's former business partner says the congressman schemed to launder money from his car dealerships into his campaign coffers, and then tried to get others to cover it up.

Burn! Baby Burn! all right now....Burn! Baby Burn!