Some are calling it TimeStampGate
I'm calling it another example of right wing extremism that justifies, in their delusional thinking, that if a vote, or anything else, doesn't go their way, they have they right, or maybe even the obligation, to get the outcome that they want.
Be they called republicans, right wing nuts, The Traitors & Enemies of America Party or 'MERICANS THAT WANT THEIR COUNTRY BACK!' nutjobs. They think that is okay to break the law.
As long as they get their way. In their eyes and to their way of thinking. It's justifiable.
From the article (link at bottom)
The evidence of the crime is irrefutable and two criminal counts apply because two vote records were altered.
That this rises to a Texas Jail Felony seems certain given the statutes (see below).
Reading posts and news following Sen. Wendy Davis' successful filibuster reveals a conspiracy led by Texas Lt. Gov. Dewhurst.
The obvious implication is the end of his political career. At the least, his resignation should be sought immediately.
Van De Putte Says Republicans Changed Time Stamp On SB 5 Voting Record
.... Sen. Leticia Van De Putte (D) told Texas Public Radio that “Republicans in the Senate, including the lieutenant governor, asked clerks” to make the time change. ....... Van De Putte said the Texas Legislative Library first showed that the bill had passed on 6/26/13 with a time stamp of 12:03 a.m. About 15 minutes later the clerks were told that they needed to change it to the 25th. ...
"My understanding is if you forge a government document or if you alter a government document, I think that might be a felony. That is a very serious, very serious thing," she said. .....
Van de Putte: Why I stood with Wendy: Texas women must be heard
Excellent screen captures of the crimes in progress:
Texas Legislature Changes Timestamps on SB5 Votes
The Texas Legislative Reference Library contains an anonymous statement saying that the official record is that the vote occurred on June 25
.... the LRL statement confirms that the change was deliberate. ...
... Here’s my screen capture at 10.59 pm Pacific. I was clued to the fact that the legislature’s website was displaying what my eyes and ears heard as I watched the livestream: two votes were taken after midnight.Moments after I tweeted the screen capture, I was unable to access the webpage. .... And when it finally refreshed, all votes were recorded as having taken place before midnight on June 25.
Minute by minute: How the abortion vote happened
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Sen. Carlos Uresti, D-San Antonio, checked the official journal clerk's handwritten log, and it showed the vote took place at 12:02 a.m. Wednesday.
Davis says voting documents altered after filibuster
Sen. Wendy Davis told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that a fellow senator was informed by a Capitol staff member that the official voting documents had been purposefully changed to falsify the time of the vote on SB 5, the bill killed in her dramatic Tuesday night filibuster.
The discovery was important, she said, because had the vote been stamped on 6/25, rather than 6/26, the bill would have passed.
“We know it was purposeful,” she said. “I think there will be further investigation.”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Statutory Reference:
Sec. 37.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: ....
(2) "Governmental record" means:
(B) anything required by law to be kept by others for information of government; .....
Sec. 37.10. TAMPERING WITH GOVERNMENTAL RECORD. (a) A person commits an offense if he:
(1) knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of, a governmental record;
(2) makes, presents, or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity and with intent that it be taken as a genuine governmental record;
(3) intentionally destroys, conceals, removes, or otherwise impairs the verity, legibility, or availability of a governmental record;
(c)(1) Except as provided by Subdivisions (2), (3), and (4) and by Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor unless the actor's intent is to defraud or harm another, in which event the offense is a state jail felony.
Tweets from #dewhurstfraud, #timestampgate and #txfraud
Mike Gintz
I made a petition on about investigating #timestampgate #standwithwendy #sb5
Just watched Wendy Davis interview on CNN- the #txlege staff were instructed to change the dates on the votes. #timestampgate
Michael Peterson
I'm pretty sure # of voter fraud cases in sen. chamber just passed all of Texas in the last election #txlege #txfraud
White House
MoveOn = to Texas Attorney General - Open an Investigation
To the Honorable Greg Abbot - Attorney General of the State of Texas:
The unlawful conduct of altering an official state record must not be permitted in any measure and especially not by a Texas lawmaker. It is this petitioner's opinion that: available evidence appears to suggest that allegations of impropriety are sustainable.
It is this petitions request that: an official investigation be conducted to determine whether laws were violated during the late evening State Senate session regarding ("SB 5"), on 25-June-2013, and in the early morning hours of 26-June-2013, immediately following the session expiration.
The fact that the outcome of the vote on ("SB 5") has been deemed untimely, does not negate or preclude the opening of an investigation or its eventual findings. It must be our intention to hold all Texans to the same level of lawful conduct as those who create and enforce our laws.
Very Respectfully,
--Progressive Centralists and the associated petition signors
I hope that this is prosecuted.
Seeing as to how the rethugs seem to go after any Democrat, for any reason, whether real, imagined or just made-up, no matter how small the infraction.
The right has definitely seem to have gone off the rails since President Obama was elected.
I hope they continue with their self destructive ways and that they continue to fail to realize that the majority of American people aren't as stupid as they think.
Or as their base seems to be.
You know...
Since their not racist or anything.
Or misogynist.