What is "PATRIOTIC"?
What is "CHRISTIAN"?
I thought I knew what those words meant. Maybe I don't. Because after reading an article about what Tara Servatius wrote about statements made by President Obama regarding same sex marriage in North Carolina, and statements that others have made about the president since he was, and even before he was elected.
Maybe I don't. Maybe those words mean this.
What is Good. Patriotic. or Christian. about this picture? Or more to the point. What is Good. Patriotic. or Christian, about the person that posted the picture?
This is a picture posted by Tara Servatius. She was so proud of it that she posted it on her Facebook page. It has since been taken down from her Facebook page and from the John Locke Foundation website. But they weren't fast enough. Above is the picture from the website and here is a screen grab from her Facebook.
Link to a better pic. http://twitpic.com/8zuf3u/full
They are so proud of it that they scrubbed it from all the sites that they have control over.
"The John Locke Foundation is funded in large part by conservative millionaire Art Pope, which is why the website Art Pope Exposed managed to catch the racist, homophobic image, called "Obama Gay" before the Foundation took it down."
And she has resigned.Maybe she can get a job writing for The John Birch Society.
Start them out young.
As parents, they can hope their children do better than them.
Maybe even surpassing them by doing more than the parents accomplished.
Although the bar has been set pretty high, there is hope for the up-and-comers with the leaders and talking heads of the republican party preaching for the killing of democrats.
- Rush Limbaugh: "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus – living fossils – so we will never forget what these people stood for."
- Senator Phil Gramm: "We're going to keep building the party until we're hunting Democrats with dogs."
- Rep. James Hansen on Bill Clinton: Get rid of the guy. Impreach him, censure him, assassinate him."
- John Derbyshire intimated in the National Review that because Chelsea Clinton had "the taint," she should "be killed."
- Ann Coulter: "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too."
- Rep. John Sullivan (R) OK, said this;
Yup, there's nothing like talking about killing someone to get your point across if they don't agree with you on something.
So keep up the violent talk, keep up the attack on women's rights and keep up your lies about how the country is continuing to go downhill and how the economy is getting worse.
Keep up the denials of racism and that you hope the country fails just so President Obama isn't re-elected even if it means another recession for the country or possibly even the world.
More and more people in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world are seeing you for what you are. We are looking behind the curtain and we don't like what we see.
Unfortunately, more and more there seems to be more violent talk coming from the republican conservatives these days. But not do they seem not to care, more often than not, they double down on the crazy talk like they are in a contest to see who can out crazy the other.
And that is what seems to define the conservative movement these days.