
Saturday, December 31, 2011

In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. It is a little long but please read to the end.

Wasn't it the cheney administration that said deficits didn't matter? It's good to see cheney's puppet learned his place early on in the presidency.
If President Obama did anything like that the whining and screaming would be unbearable.
  • This post is in response to an email or spam that has been sent to the rabid, right wing, teabagger conservatives that hate democrats and President Obama and his family that they don't need any proof about the shit that is fed to them. They just eat it up and wash it down with santorum tea and call it fact.
  • Below is the email that they slurp up;
  • Secret Service views of Presidents and First Ladies
    Snippets from the book "Impressions & Observations" of Secret Service personnel assigned to guard U.S. Presidents/First Ladies, and Vice Presidents.
    * JOHN & JACQUELINE KENNEDY : *A philanderer of the highest order.*
    *She ordered the kitchen help to save all the left-over wine during State dinners, which mixed with fresh wine and served again during the Next White House occasion.
    * LYNDON & LADYBIRD JOHNSON *Another philanderer of the highest order.
    In addition, LBJ was as crude as the day is long.* *Both JFK and LBJ kept a lot of women in the White House for extramarital affairs, and both had set up "early warning systems" to alert them if/when their wives were nearby. Both Kennedy & Johnson were promiscuous and oversexed men.* *She was either naive or just pretended to "not know" about her husband's many liaisons.

    * RICHARD & PAT NIXON *A "moral" man but very odd and weird, paranoid, etc. He had horrible relationship with his family, and in a way, was almost a recluse. * *She was quiet most of the time.

    * SPIRO AGNEW: *Nice, decent man, everyone in the Secret Service was surprised about his downfall.*

    * GERALD & BETTY FORD: *A true gentlemen who treated the Secret Service with respect and dignity. He had a great sense of humor.* *She drank a lot!

    * JIMMY & ROSALYN CARTER: *A complete phony who would portray one picture of himself to public and very different in private, e.g., would be shown carrying his own luggage, but the suit cases were always empty; he kept empty ones just for photo ops. Wanted the people to see him as pious and a non-drinker, but he and his family drank alcohol a lot. He had disdain for the Secret Service, and was
    very irresponsible with the "football" nuclear codes. He didn't think it was a big deal and would keep military aides at a great distance. Often does not acknowledge the presence of Secret Service personnel assigned to serve him.* *She mostly did her own thing.

    * RONALD & NANCY REAGAN: * The real deal --- moral, honest, respectful, and dignified. They treated Secret Service and everyone else with respect and honor. Thanked everyone all the time. He took the time to know everyone on a personal level.* *One "favorite" story which has circulated among the Secret Service personnel was an incident early in his Presidency, when he came out of his room with a pistol tucked on his hip. The agent in charge asked: "Why the pistol, Mr. President?" He replied, "In case you boys can't get the job done, I can help." It was common for him to carry a pistol. When he met with Gorbachev, he had a pistol in his briefcase. Upon learning that Gary Hart was caught with Donna Rice, Reagan said, "Boys will be boys, but boys will not be Presidents." [He obviously either did not know or forgot JFK's and LBJ's sexcapades!]* *She was very nice but very
    protective of the President; and the Secret Service was often caught in the middle. She tried hard to control what the President ate, and he would say to the agent "Come on, you gotta help me out."* The Reagans drank wine during State dinners and special occasions only; otherwise, they shunned alcohol; the Secret Service could count on one hand the times they were served wine during their "family dinner". For all the fake bluster of the Carters, the Reagans were the ones who
    lived life as genuinely moral people.*

    * GEORGE H. & BARBARA BUSH: *Extremely kind and considerate. Always
    respectful. Took great care in making sure the agents' comforts were taken care of. They even brought them meals, etc. *One time Barbara Bush brought warm clothes to agents standing outside at Kennebunkport; one agent who was given a warm hat, and when he tried to nicely say "no thanks" even though he was obviously freezing, President Bush said, "Son, don't argue with the First Lady, put the hat on." He was
    the most prompt of the Presidents. He ran the White House like a well-oiled machine.* She ruled the house and spoke her mind.

    * BILL & HILLARY CLINTON: *Presidency was one giant party. Not trustworthy --- he was nice because he wanted everyone to like him, but to him life is just one big game and party. Everyone knows of his sexuality.* *She is another phony. Her personality would change the instant cameras were near. She hated with open disdain the military and Secret Service. She was another one who felt people are there to serve her. She was always trying to keep tabs on Bill Clinton.

    * ALBERT GORE: *An egotistical ass, who was once overheard by his Secret Service detail lecturing his only son that he needed to do better in school or he "would end up like these guys" --- pointing to the agents.

    * GEORGE W. & LAURA BUSH: *The Secret Service loved him and Laura Bush. He was also the most physically "in shape" who had a very strict workout regimen. The Bushes made sure their entire administrative and household staff understood to respect and be considerate of the Secret Service. KARL ROVE was the one who was the most caring of the Secret Service in the administration.* *She was one of the nicest First Ladies, if not the nicest; she never had any harsh word to say about

    * BARACK & MICHELLE OBAMA: *"Clinton all over again" - hates the military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and cunning; looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you, but turns around and does the opposite---untrustworthy. He has temper tantrums.* She is a complete bitch, who hates anybody who is not black; hates the military; and looks at the Secret Service as servants.

    * These are the real BLACKS( I am being polite) with power.

    When you think back about these President's, First Ladies and Vice-President's it fits their personalities.

    Have a wonderful day 

When President Obama is re-elected those teabaggers heads are going to explode.


One of them got Gabby Giffords and there were signs leading up to it. 

That is why the Secret Service is so busy, more people are reporting when someone advocates the killing of  President Obama.


They are not that far from it now.

Friday, December 30, 2011

teabaggers, the most blissful people in the world.

I used to give these blockheads the benefit of the doubt by thinking that they were being willfully ignorant. Just so they can be asshole jerkoffs. But now I believe they are...well, just plain ol' stupidly ignorant.

I say that because I find it hard to believe that the whole teabagging nation can be that ignorant and stupid, for such a long time, on purpose.

They must even be to stupid to use a search engine.

Instead they get their information and news from emails, spam and "news" programs like fox news and they tend to believe whatever drivel is spewed at them.

Then, when they read or hear the shit, they go off on insane rants about killing or maiming President Obama and his family or democrats in general. And that's on top of the name calling.

I think I'm going to document some of the crap they believe in.

If this clod could think for himself and google bush, murdock, koch brothers, saudi arabia, chaney or Bill Clinton, they would know how stupid that post is.

Here's something else that the baggers are being 'blissful' about;

U.S. Considers Release of Taliban Commander From Gitmo

From another blog...the headline;

Obama planning to release gitmo murderer...


These are a few comments that show how nobody looks at google. Here's a hint you blissful people.


Nowhere in the article does it say that anyone is planning on releasing anyone. There just might be talks though,but I doubt it, and there is a great doubt that there will be a release of anyone.

The teabaggers are getting desperate since the country has been getting better and they can't stand it. So they grab at anything and fling it against the wall hoping something will stick. 

The teabaggers will keep getting crazier and when President Obama is re-elected their collective heads will explode and one of them will try a laughner on the President or his family.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

How Should They (the black people) Act?

Well...Thankful, of course.

An article has surfaced that was written in 2008 by pat buchanan, racist, pathological sociopath, and is being e-mailed to the in-bred, knuckle dragging mouth breathers that are the good christian conservative teabaggers.

And they are slurping up the santorum flavored tea by the gallons while dancing around flaming burning crosses wearing the latest in white sheets and pointy hats. All the while agreeing with that felching pukanan that:

"America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known."

Yes, the black people should thank America for what?

Be grateful to God (with his beautiful, piercing blue eyes) that we offered you a free boat ride to paradise, you Black savages. Show gratitude that we remixed some of your beliefs and fused them with our own religious doctrine so that we could save you from your wicked ways. We treated you as if you were beneath us for centuries, and look at yourselves: You now posses a fraction of our success. We did all this to motivate you. It was for your own good. Can you say...THANK YOU WHITEY!!!!!
  • Equality? 

Our constitution originally designated "black folks" as 3/5 a person, gave them no freedom and severely punished those who tried to achieve it.  Even after we fought a civil war it took another hundred years to get even basic civil and human rights during which time lynching was commonplace it certain parts of the country. During which time  they were legally segregated and oppressed, and prevented by law and social custom from building the wealth base that white Americans have been able to build within families and communities for generations. Not all whites, obviously, since there are a great number of poor whites (and all groups), but at the other end, the upper income end, whites were given privileges and rights that blacks were forbidden. 
  • Opportunities?  
When puckanan  mentions the trillions spent on welfare, legal services, Medicaid, poverty programs, etc., he neglects to mention that the right wing of this country fought those programs tooth and nail, legally and illegally, every step of the way.  He also neglects to mention that not one of those programs was designed to help "black folks" but rather to help the poor, regardless of color.  The fact that a disproportionate number of poor in this country happen to be African American speaks for itself. But scum like pukanan say,"look what WE have done for blacks, they should appreciate the progress". Right, like the blacks should all line up, get on their knees and kiss their white asses. Because in the pus filled cavity that passes for a rightwinger brain, because they are white, they are right. Well, rightwingers, you've done NOTHING and you and your ilk (along with far too Many southern Democrats) would have been perfectly happy if nothing had changed since the 60's. Who here can take puchanan seriously, a man who has no credibility in this area (and very few other areas too)?

All the rest is just more whining about "Us poor white people" crap. Affirmative Action was a minor attempt to offset the white bias in universities and other government institutions, so any claim that it "discriminated" against whites is moronic at best. The most whites can whine about there is that their privileged status was no longer unchallenged. Soup kitchens and the rest are for white and black people, and all others, and if the author believes black people benefit more from such charity, the author needs to ask why black people need such charity more. The answer to that question destroys the fantasy world of pukanan's nutcase rantings.

As for the supposed rhetorical questions about whether white America is really responsible for the incarceration and crime rate of black America, the answer is easily yes. Forced poverty, lack of opportunity, poor schools, a history of economic suppression that is meant to crush the possibility of economic growth in black communities, a repressive law enforcement system clearly proven over and over again to arrest, convict, and imprison longer for black Americans than for white Americans for the same crimes, and crimes that were crafted to punish black Americans more than whites for equivalent actions (such as laws providing harsher sentences for crack than for regular cocaine), all prove that black Americans face a legal repression that white people just don't face, Unfortunately, the author of this piece is a typical example of racist, hypocritical, right wingnut, teabagger faction of the republican party.

 They are not afraid to make up their version of facts as long as it appeals to their base. Then they get offended when they are shown to be wrong or just flat out lying.

But America is beginning to see them for what they are and the approval for the republicans is showing that the majority of Americans don't agree with the direction the republicans are trying to take the country.

Well I put way more effort and time into this than it deserved.

I should have gone with my first thought:


From what I've seen of the people that have posted the email and the responses to it would be closer to their intellectual abilities. 

Like LBJ said, you shouldn't try to teach a pig manners. It wastes your time and angers the pig. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Anteroom of ennui (just short of the hall of shame)


Dishonest Fox News

Note how the 8.6 percent unemployment rate in November looks higher than March’s 8.8 percent rate, and about the same as the 9 percent unemployment rate in October.
 Where did the billions go?

Established by Congress to investigate and expose government waste, the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan has decided to not reveal its volumes of materials to the public for another two decades.

After three years of work, the commission officially shut down last week, having concluded that the U.S. misspent between $31 billion and $60 billion in contracting for services in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But it won’t allow its records to be opened for public review at the National Archives until 2031, because some of the documents contain “sensitive information,” according to one official.

So they know who stole the money, and whoever it is, they are important enough to be protected.


Created in Section 841 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, this eight-member Commission is mandated by Congress to study federal agency contracting for the reconstruction, logistical support of coalition forces, and the performance of security functions, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The conclusion of this report was predetermined. Just like the hiding of the cost of the war in Iraq, cheney, bush the lesser made sure that no one would find out until many years later and by then it would be to late to prosecute anyone for profiteering.
Perry says climate change is a hoax so scientists can make more money.


Ok, let's talk about money rolling in...


 Perry has also shown an eagerness to do the bidding of his major supporters. Most notably, his second-biggest all-time donor, Harold Simmons, owns a nuclear waste dump. Perry led the charge in 2010, while Simmons gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Perry’s re-election campaign, to allow Simmons to import nuclear waste from thirty-eight states. On June 27 of this year, ten days after Perry signed the legislation, Simmons gave $100,000 to Americans for Rick Perry. Tom Smith, director of Public Citizen’s Texas office, estimates that the rule change will bring upward of $2 billion for Simmons. “If you put money in Perry’s purse, he’ll create policies you need,” says Smith.

The pot calling the kettle black?

Friday, December 9, 2011

It just PISSADEARED !!!!

My mom had a story that she occasionally liked to tell about me at gatherings, Christmas, birthdays, you know what I mean. The stores that your parents, siblings or other relatives like to tell when a lot of people are around and they think the story is cute and funny but you...not so much.

This one isn't embarrassing so much as it follows me around for a few days after it is told.

Here it is; When I was just learning to talk, whenever something couldn't be found and everyone was asking where it was, when they asked me I would say it PISSADEARED!!!! Loudly. I don't remember it and when I look at it written down I guess you had to be there.

But when I see something like this;

“I simply do not know where the money is, or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date,” Corzine said, according to the testimony.

I think of the persons face and them holding up their hands, shrugging and saying "I don't know, it just PISSADEARED!!!

Or maybe it "evaporated".

Hundreds of millions of dollars? RIIIIGHT.

If 20 bucks comes up missing at MickyD's or KFC that money will be found or what happened to it will be found out.

But hundreds of millions of dollars walks out the door and it's a big mystery.Like with Halliburton. Where did those billions go? Or the money from all that oil?

This country is so screwed up.

What happened was he made a bet (Read investment) that failed and he covered it with other peoples money.
So he doubled down on it and covered it with more of other peoples money, and it failed too.

Will Corzine get the KNEEL BUSH TREATMENT?

Or will it be determined that an actual crime was committed?

Rick Perry Obama is evil ad

Homophobic Rick Perry ad–apparently meant only for conservative corners of Iowa, but then went retroviral on YouTube. Watch it for context if you haven’t seen it yet:

I'm posting that ad so you can appreciate this ad:


All that's missing from Perry's ad is the hood the sheet and the burning cross.

The ad was probably filmed at his Niggerhead Ranch where him and his buddies can sit around polishing each others guns and kissing koch rings.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


The republicans ran on the premise that they were all about jobs. It was jobs this and jobs that. Elect us and there will be jobs as far as the eyes can see. More jobs than you can shake a stick at.
That's all we heard, 24/7, 7 days a week, right up to the election. After the election, not a peep. 
Until about March 2011. Then the only "jobs" they want to create have to do with deregulating everything from the banks to the EPA. 

What a great idea!!!! Deregulate the very institutions that have almost single-handedly crashed the worlds economy and deregulate the EPA because the air and water is now so clean and pure. That must be why childhood asthma is increasing, because their lungs can't handle all that clean air. And we don't need all that pesky marine life. It just gets in the way of the oil rigs. Just ask all the fisherman along the gulf coast how good they are doing because an oil rig didn't have the proper shut off valve because Cheney said they didn't have to have it. At least the company saved $500,000 by not installing the valve. Not to mention that the oil makes the shrimp and other seafood slide down easier. The seafood will also be easier to eat because it is smaller and the deformities give it a unique appeal, kind of like the 3 eyed fish on The Simpsons.

Many of the same people that pissed themselves when they found out that that some of the higher wattage incandescent light bulbs were going to be phased out over the next few years and cfl bulbs were going to replace them because the cfl bulbs have MERCURY in them!!! OOOOH, LOOK OUT!! They say if you break one those bulbs it costs thousands of dollars to clean it up. Yeah right, if your an idiot. There are instructions on how to clean it up and the three biggest things are 1. Pick up the glass without cutting yourself. Maybe you could put on a pair of gloves. 2. Open a window and let the room air out for a few minutes, don't vacuum right away.  Here is a link. It is from the EPA, so all of you that don't trust the government, might want to consult Google for other instructions. They are out there and they are the same.

Now to get back on track.One of the reasons that there are no jobs coming from the republicans is that they seem to have pledged allegiance to Grover Norquist and his pledge, over their allegiance to the oath they took when sworn into congress and the senate, and doing what is good for the american people and what is good for the country.

Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised since their pledge to Norquist seems to run hand-in-hand with what Mitch McConnell said...
"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

They seem to be trying their damnedest no matter how foolish, stupid, idiotic or crazy they sound. From Limbaugh to Beck to Fox News all that is going on is fear-mongering, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'm not going to go on about the anti Obama rhetoric that the conservatives spew out 24/7 because everyone that is not a right wing conservative knows what is going on and realizes how crazy most of it sounds.They even vote against bills that they write and introduce if Obama says he agrees with it. As soon as he says he is for something, the conservatives are against it.

The single most unbelievable thing to me is that there are so many people, working so hard to make Obama a one term president, that they are willing to let the country go bankrupt, let people suffer by denying them food, shelter, health care and the dignity of a good paying job because of the hate they have for one man.

The republicans have blocked almost every single idea that Obama has put out there. Even when Obama caves and gives them almost everything that they ask for they still say that he is still, somehow... wrong.

Why do they hate him so much?

You know why, I know why, and the republicans know why.

They will really go off the deep end when he is re-elected in 2012. I fully expect some crazy ass Limbaugh, O'Rielly, Beck or Fox News listener will try to get him.

They have already been doing target practice on doctors, a senator, little girls and innocent bystanders.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I just wanted to get this posted before election day was over. 11-8-11

Republicans are so afraid that they can't win elections that they are making laws that will stop people from registering to vote by making previous practices that have been legal for decades...illegal.

Such as this; The Republican Supervisor of Elections in Volusia County, FL who was "sick to her stomach" after being forced to turn in a high school teacher to law enforcement for registering students to vote now that Florida has criminalized such activities.

And this; That is the same new FL GOP law which has led the non-partisan League of Women Voters to cancel all voter registration in the state of Florida, after doing so for the past 72 years, because the potential penalties for doing so have simply become too onerous.


Since 2010 when the Tea Party got elected to congress and many states have been taken over by them, there has been a steady attack on voters rights. All under the guise of preventing "voter fraud". Of which there have been scant proof of any fraud.
Bills requiring photo ID to vote have been introduced in 34 states this year alone. I know that in my state of Ohio several changes have been made to keep people that would probably vote for democrats from voting by making it harder to get to the voting place. Ohio also stopped early voting on the friday before the election. It could back-fire because some of us have been working harder to get more people to vote. With great success I might add.

And it's proof that elections have consequences. The United States has been steadily tearing down barriers to voting over the past few decades, but much of that progress has been undone in the brief time since the 2010 elections. It surely cannot be a coincidence that about a quarter of the bills have been introduced by newly elected Republicans. If newly elected legislators cannot find solutions to their constituents economic problems, they can always do the next best thing: making it harder for their constituents to vote them out of office.

What won't surprise me is if there aren't voting machine or ballot counting problems. It also wouldn't surprise me if on this election or in the 2012 election when things aren't going the conservative way there will be a late hour shift away from the democrats and liberals winning, to a stunning eleventh hour conservative victory in most of the issues and candidates.

They did it before in 2000 and 2004 and now they have had a few years to learn how better to hack the voting machines.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Am Thankful For Free Speech.

Because of it, I can say what I think of what this guy did.

Radio ad refuses service to Obama supporters, Muslims.


"We will attempt to teach you all the necessary information you need to obtain your C.H.L.," the ad stated.  Forty-five seconds in, the advertisement added a disclaimer.

"If you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law."

The ad continues, going on to say,"If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame; I am Crockett Keller, thank you and God bless America."

  What...a...f**king jackhole.

   That being said, I hope he follows through with what he says.




Liar Or Prejudiced?


>>"Iranian-born Shawn Esfahani, owner of Eastern Shore Toyota in Daphne, Alabama, sought $28 million in compensatory and punitive damages from Bob Tyler Toyota, claiming employees at that Pensacola, Florida-based dealership falsely portrayed him as an Islamist militant to customers."

>>"Esfahani's lawsuit said that Bob Tyler sales manager Fred Kenner told at least one couple considering buying from Eastern Shore Toyota in 2009 that Esfahani was of Middle Eastern descent and was "helping fund the insurgents there and is also laundering money for them."

>>"A Bob Tyler salesman was accused of telling the same couple that Esfahani was from Iraq and calling him a "terrorist" who put soldiers including the salesman's brother in harm's way.

"(Esfahani) is funneling money back to his family and other terrorists. I have a brother over there and what you're doing is helping kill my brother," the salesman told the couple when he called them on the Eastern Shore sales floor, according to the suit."

   It's behavior like the Bob Tyler's salesman and others from the south that continues to perpetuate the idea of prejudiced, in-bred, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, southern rednecks. Not only is the salesman prejudiced but he's shown to be stupid and a liar. 

Otherwise known as... 


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Scenes like this are happening across the country & around the world.

NYPD Arrests Woman For Closing Her Citibank Account


Be patient through the first 90 seconds because a remarkable little drama unfolds with protesters inside the Citibank branch communicating with protesters outside, all very reserved, collecting names and birthdates of the people about to be arrested inside. And then, brutish cops seize a woman in a business suit who is saying, “I’m a customer, I’m a customer,” and showing her Citibank checkbook. Apparently she is here to close her account, and for that she is manhandled by a bunch of thug cops who should be careful where they go from now on. Anyway, closing your account is now a go-to-jail offense. The video was shot on a Blackberry by Meaghan Linick of Brooklyn, and her story is worth reading, too. 


Ms. Linick sure seemed like a threat. What with looking in the windows and carrying her checkbook. A perfectly good reason to beat her down and kidnap her.

The situation will continue to escalate as the big banks, big business and the super rich echelon elites like the Koch brothers and Ailes realize that the protests aren't going away. There will be more and more set-up situations so the NYPD, I mean the BS&LPD (Banks, Savings & Loan Police Department) can justify the use of force and intimidation.

What happened to Marshell Garrett, one of the arrested protesters.


>>How did you know he was an undercover cop?
He arrested one of the protestors outside, and slammed her into the wall, and pushed her back into the bank. We all saw him at the precinct with us. He was laughing with the fellow white shirt cops, telling them about what we'd been saying, basically. It was a bit startling how inside their information was - how they were being paid to go to these protests and put us in situations where we'd be arrested and not be able to leave.


>>From that point, they arrested us all, and they took us outside and put us in vans, and the situation was quite weird. The white coats were in the bank, patting the officers on the back, saying "Good job, good job." And all I could think was, this is in a lot of ways illegal. I don't know how they could say you're doing a good job when they are illegally arresting protestors!


>>We found out later in the evening that these white coats - and this is something you should emphasize - these white coats are hired by these banks, and that's why they're more violent than regular cops. They have jurisdiction to do a lot of things because they are hired by these banks to protect these banks.  


>>Are you going to go back and get in on the Occupy Wall Street action, now that you're out?
Yes, I am. Now, it means more than ever. Seeing the inner workings, and seeing how silly some of these arrests were, and just being able to be in a state to take action, it's important for me to keep doing this. This is affecting so many people.

   My belief is that things are going to get worse for the protesters and as that happens Wall Street and the super rich will continue to get more scared and hire yet more violent thugs and maybe some of the Tea Party states will end up calling out the National Guard, although I think that plan would backfire, but not before an incident like Kent State happens. Or if any children are hurt or killed by the thugs and goons hired to break up the protests.

  The more frightened that the 1% become that their control of the 99% is slipping away, the more extreme measures they will take to make sure that the status quo they have come to believe is their right is maintained.

The 1% have shown since the Industrial Revolution began that they believe that they are the elite, the chosen of the world and will protect their status in the world no matter what it takes.

But that is for another post.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ohhhh the stupid. It Hurts...It Hurts!

Fox news, among other conservative sites have been touting this as what the Wall Street Protesters want. How dense in the head does someone have to be to believe this crap?

The Occupy Wall Street List of Demands

Right at the top of the page is this:

 Admin note: This is not an official list of demands. This is a forum post submitted by a single user and hyped by irresponsible news/commentary agencies like Fox News and This content was not published by the collective, nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly. There is NO official list of demands.

First of all, what part of this is so hard to understand?

Is there something about "This is not an official list of demands."
This content was not published by the collective.
nor was it ever proposed or agreed to on a consensus basis with the NYC General Assembly
There is NO official list of demands.

The writer, of which there is no proof that any of the Mr. Harts listed wrote the list, is supposed to be one of the Wall Street protesters.

Could it be this Mr. Hart?

Lloyd J. Hart (son of Alexander John Hart and Mary Ann Walker) was born January 20, 1886 in Franklin Township, Clark County, Iowa, and died 1918 in North Dakota. He married Hazel.


Lloyd J Hart (1901 - 1987)

Lloyd J Hart is on Sysoon. Personal Death record and Detailed information about the deceased person.(84021116)
Share Your Memories and Sympathies and Join the Bereaved!
Date of Birth: ** May 1901
Date of Death: ** September 1987
Died at Age: 86 years


Lloyd J Hart
28 Lindy Ln
Buxton, Maine  04093-3928

Lloyd J Hart 508-687-9153  Here's where that phone number goes to, Martha's Vineyard Organics

I'm pretty sure that the first two aren't him but maybe the republicans can still use them in the elections.
Give the other two a call, I'm sure that one of them posted that list.

 More than likely it was from fox or one of the many teabaggers out there trying to show what shit-for-brains they have by believing that anyone other than a fellow teabagger would take the list as fact.

Here's what one blog had to say.

The rantings of a drug addict pedophile.

This is a perfect example of how the teabagging right wing leads its empty-headed sheep around by puting out an outrageous story and then keep doubling down on it when shown that it is wrong. The idiocy is truly amazing. Seriously, you guys have got to stop marrying your relatives.

Friday, October 7, 2011

A psycho/sociopaths idea of what the Wall St. protests are about.

And who better to represent the Gang Of Psychopaths than the heroin whore Ann Coulter who once again writes about something she knows nothing about but doesn't let that stop her from showing the world she's insane.

Her differences between the Tea Baggers and the Wall St. protesters.

I'm not going to go through each and every one because correcting all the crazy takes to long but here are a few. Besides, some won't read this because I write bad things about teabaggers and drug users even though the baggers and junkies can say what they please.

  • The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point... Ok, if by jobs she means collecting SS, food stamps welfare..OK. Showers?? They were there for one day and you don't have to shower every 2 or 3 hours when all you do is sit in a lawn chair or hold a badly spelled sign. You can't see to many points at a bagger rally because most are wearing hats.
  • No one knows what the Wall Street protesters want -- as is typical of mobs... HEY ANN!! It is known. But heroin makes you stupid so you don't know where to look. It took me all of 60 seconds to find this DECLARATION
  • But to me, the most striking difference between the tea partiers and the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd -- besides the smell of patchouli -- is how liberal protesters must claim their every gathering is historic and heroic... YUP, that's all that was on the radio and tv for weeks before protest started. Not like the Teabagger that were never mentioned on any media source, and certainly Fox News didn't say anything about the bagger meetings.
  • What does your style of democracy look like Ann? Seems if you're not a Koch ring kisser or Ailes employee you don't deserve any freedoms.
I'll skip the next several lines because all they are is her trying to show she knows fourth grade history.

  • Even the Minutemen, whose first scuffle with the British began the war, were a real army with ranks, subordination, coordination, drills and supplies. There is not a single mention in the historical record of Minutemen playing hacky-sack, burning candles assembled in "peace and love," or sitting in drum circles... No one is talking about starting a war. Except for her. Why does she want to start a war?
  • One told Fox News' Bill Schulz: "I was born to be here, right now, the founding fathers have been passing down the torch to this generation to make our country great again."..Just a question. How come when a teabagger says basically the same thing it's ok to say it. Would it help if that person said, "you betcha" in a folksy regular American voice?
  • The modern tea partiers never went around narcissistically comparing themselves to Gen. George Washington... heroin gives her amnesia so she lies.
  • The Tea Party name is meant in fun, inspired by an amusing rant from CNBC's Rick Santelli in February 2009, when he called for another Tea Party in response to Obama's plan to bail-out irresponsible mortgagers... Oh yeah, nothing says fun like a bunch of teabaggers getting together and calling the president a nigger while stroking their guns and saying that a tree needs to be watered. Very amusing.
  •  The tea partiers didn't arrogantly claim to be drafting a new Declaration of Independence. They're perfectly happy with the original...Another lie.
  • Tea partiers didn't block traffic, yes they did. Sleep on sidewalks, no,they blocked them with badly spelled signs. wear ski masks, some baggers did. Fight with the police,No, New York Police Department, oops, I mean 'The JP Morgan Police Department attacked female protestors.Or urinate in public.Yes they did. They read the Constitution, but didn't understand it, made serious policy arguments, in their minds anyway and petitioned the government against Obama's unconstitutional big government policies, prove how it's unconstitutional, especially the stimulus bill and Obamacare.
  • Then they picked up their own trash and quietly went home. Apparently, a lot of them had to be at work in the morning... At least the ones that weren't on SS or welfare.
  • In the two years following the movement's inception, the Tea Party played a major role in turning Teddy Kennedy's seat over to a Republican, making the sainted Chris Christie governor of New Jersey, and winning a gargantuan, historic Republican landslide in the 2010 elections. They are probably going to succeed in throwing out a president in next year's election... More drug induced delusions.
  • That's what democracy looks like.... She has no idea what true democracy looks lie. Just what her drug addled, tea bagger influenced, psycho/sociopathic mind sees.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Don't we all get the same intertubes information on our computers?

I got an e-mail from a friend about a right wing blog that said pepsi is coming out with a patriotic can that has the phrase "One nation..Indivisible" on it and everyone should boycott pepsi until they pull all the cans and put new ones with "Under God" or the whole Pledge of Allegiance on the can.

Now doesn't everyone's computer work basically the same way? Can't most of them do Google or Bing or some kind of information finding page?

If so, then why are there so many stories and articles lacking in facts and truth?

How long do you think it took to find out that the pepsi story is false?

About as long as it took to type this sentence.

 This story seems to pop up every few years since 2002.

Remember...Google is your friend. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What the hell is he doing??!!


This is not the person that I voted for. Between the spineless cow-towing to the teabagging rethugs by giving them 98% of what they wanted on the debt ceiling (debate/deal?) and taking money from the people that can least afford it. You know, kids, the elderly and the disabled, aka the teabagger trifecta of a balanced budget. He now wants to give the banks even MORE???

This crap is unbelievable. 

I hope that Eric Schneiderman, the New York Attorney General in charge of the investigations, is allowed to get some sort of real justice.

Unfortunately the republicans don't have anyone sane running for president.

I need to get a stinker rating system because this is right up there.


At least this one has a legitimate father even if mom had to cut her 'Motorcycle Momma' vacation short so she could make sure he was married to the mother.


This wouldn't be worth saying anything about if it wasn't for all the abstinence and not having sex before marriage talk that comes from that family.  

 She can't even instill her values in her kids and some people think she could run a country.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Understanding an Extremist Monster

                Or, we could ask Eric Cantor to translate and show the way...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


This full time failure of a of a half term governor critisize Obama because she has done such a great job of running Alaska for the last 2 years.
Just like she can raise kids without screwing up.
But wait,we know that at least two of the kids can screw though.
How's that second? (or first?) grandkid doing mama grizzly? When's the due date for Track's baby? Sept.?, Oct.?
When did he get married? May?

"It's immoral. It's unethical. It doesn't make any sense economically, or as I say, morally, because we're handing these bills to our children and our grandchildren."

For the snowbilly grifter to talk about some one other than her or at least two of her kids having wrong morals or ethics shows that she has a sense of humor.


The blushing bride...

What is she looking at out of the corner of her eye?
Shotgun? Just kidding.
Picture is from here.

I do hope them the best no matter what is a head of them.

Them teabaggers sure is sweet on President Obama.

They post so much about him and hardly anything like an original thought comes from them. Wellll, other than
snarky and hateful sayins. But they must secretly love and adore him. There seems to be lots of them all over
the internets with the names they call him like, The One, King Obama, Master Obama, Lord Master Obama,
you get the idea. And with copy and paste they hardly have to do any thinkin at all. But the democrats must not
like him because they just call him President Obama.

Here are a few examples.
This guy comes from a site called AnyWebCam. I've been a free member for about a year now and this one
guy really seems to have a serious man crush on Obama. There are plenty of others, I'm just starting with this

"It looks to me like the Left is getting a little frustrated and restless with The One...."


It must be love.
They love ?  him at Fox Nation to.
stevieray 4 hours ago
President Obama is is well read...

I believe he could cite "chapter and verse" of Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, and Cloward-Piven.

He's making HISTORY.  He is the FIRST President to be an Enemy of We The People.

He thinks he's Hugo Chavez. A DICTATOR.

May God save the Republic from this communist infil-traitor.
No,You are all wrong! He was doing whatever Pres Moo Shell told him to do! 
stevieray 4 hours ago
Obama campaigned to the Left of Che Guevara, Chairman Mao,and
Karl Marx, and Bernie Sander's is disappointed that Odumbo and his wife care more about
the lavish lifestyle than the Communist Manifesto. 8o)
More of our Fox News LOVE
robert.spainhour 10 hours ago
all democrats should be impeached & obama too!

ctyank 1 day ago
"Most people believe the democrats are misdirected and should be focused on the economy. I believe the democrats are doing exactly what they want and intend to do. They are socializing out great nation. They have taken over the financial system via TARP and Finance Reform, they have taken over two of the three car manufacturers using taxpayer money, they have socialized the best medical system in the world and will continue until until they have fully socialized our entire medical care and medical insurance industries. They have taken control of vast portions of our energy, energy policy, and or energy natural resources. They are passing a Food Safety Act (more government control and intrusion), etc. They have implemented and continue to implement massive regulations. They have managed to redistribute wealth like we've never seen before in this great country.

So, basically they have taken over or financial system, medical system, energy and food. What's next?

What we need to do is repeal, repeal, repeal, many of the laws that have piled up over the years. ObamaCare and Financial Reform would be a good start. We need to get back to limited government, limited regulation, free-market capitalism, and all of the principles that have made the United States the best, the most free, and the most prosperous country in the world."
  Well, maybe they don't all love him.

I agree with that last guy and we need to go back to the Iran-Contra Raygun ways, Read-My-Lips,Daddy George, and George the Lesser years.
Not like that booming Clinton economy where the middle and lower class were starting to think that they might
have a chance at having a future. Just think, if that economy had continued we would in all likelyhood have a surplus or be breaking even right now.
(For the teabaggers and right-wingers the last two paragraphs were sarcasm. I only point that out because from what I've seen lately they can't tell what sarcasm is, but I digress.)
But George Jr. took care of that future for the country and the teabaggers want to finish what he started.

So I'm going to use this blog to point out the shit-without-facts that those mouth breathers post. I won't catch it all because there is so much of it but it will be fun showing just how clueless those mouth-breathers are.
I will post other things that I find interesting about those good, god-fearing christian conservatives, right-wingers and teabaggers.

A note~~~~~I will stop using the term teabaggers and all forms of the word teabaggers when I stop seeing words like libtards, dummycraps , communist liberals and all the other names used to refer to democrats, liberals etc.