
Wednesday, September 26, 2012



 Paul Ryan reiterated his opposition to marriage equality, during a town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio on Tuesday. “The things you talk about like traditional marriage and family and entrepreneurship. These aren’t values that are indicative to any one person or creed or color. These are American values, these are universal human values,” he said in response to a question from the audience.

Couldn't get the video to load but the story and video is at the link below.


That freak Lyin' Ryan thinks way to much about other peoples sex lives.
He's a psycho wack job and I can't wait to see Biden wipe the floor with him in the debate.
That is even if ryan shows up. It wouldn't surprise me if some kind of "emergency" didn't come up for either or both Dog-On-Car or Lyin' Ryan.

This damn Blogger and Youtube is getting worse and worse except for the most simple things.

What smells like gunpowder, burned leather and is hard to understand?
















So much Mittens. He sure takes up the slack caused by bush the lesser leaving.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What’s next Rmoney? Screens in submarines?

I'm reblogging this with permission.

“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were,” Romney said. “When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. So it’s very dangerous. And she was choking and rubbing her eyes. Fortunately, there was enough oxygen for the pilot and copilot to make a safe landing in Denver. But she’s safe and sound.”
I’m not making light of fires on planes and I’m glad that Mrs. Rmoney is OK. But can anyone really be that stupid?

Aside from the wonderment of why airplane windows don’t open, does he not realize what happens when you add oxygen to fire? I’m assuming there was no actual fire in the cabin, but there had to be one somewhere, or at least a potential one. Oh, wait. That’s science. Ooops. Sorry, I forgot who I was talking about and to.

Or…Are there corners in the Oval Office?




Yeah…that’s a puzzler Mittens.
I wonder. Did the same people pick this guy that picked Failin’ Palin for McCain?



A few of the suggestions for new features on the Romney’s redesigned plane.
  •  It’s only capable of hard right turns
  •  Automatic pilot defaults directly to Grand Cayman Islands
  •  Oxygen for the 53%
  •  Fact Avoidance Radar
  •  Capable of flying several different directions at the same time
  •  Optional TSA vaginal ultrasound wanding on request
  •  Two words: Sun Roof
  •  Hidden compartments for undocumented servants
  • Straps for dog and horse carriers on roof of plane


I swear. It’s getting hard to keep up with these guys.

Found another one.

This has nothing to do with what Air Mitt said but maybe it could be the paint job for his plane.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oh Boy! Secret Ryan Tape: He describes Social Security & Medicare as “collectivist” & “socialistic.”


I notice that nowhere did Lyin' Ryan mention that he collected social security after his dad died, as did his hero Rand when she got old and sick.

Those dickhead, hypocrite bastards.



This is the event where Ryan stated that Rand was the “one thinker” who is the “reason I got involved in public service;” and that Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are “required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.”  Statements he would latter dismiss as “urban legends.”
The speech has been hidden in plain sight on the Atlas Society website, which offers only a partial transcript.  This omits several revealing passages that illuminate Ryan’s philosophy as it relates to policy priorities.

It is impossible to summarize these statements without sounding like a breathless conspiracy theorist.  Here’s what Ryan says.  Don’t trust my bullets.  Read the transcript.  Don’t trust my transcript, listen to the audio on the Atlas Society site.
(Just scroll to the bottom of the text about Ryan (above), and you'll see a grey icon of a speaker and an arrow. Click on the arrow and the audio will play. The grey audio player is located directly above the golden star rating.)

  • Ryan describes Social Security and Medicare as “collectivist” and “socialistic.” 

  • Ryan’s strategic plan:  privatize Social Security and Medicare in order to convert people from “collectivism” to believers in a “individualist capitalist” philosophy.  So that there will be “more people on our team” who “won’t listen to” Democrats. 

  • Ryan’s acceptance of Pinochet’s Secretary of Social Security José Piñera’s similar program of Social Security privatization as a “moral revolution” that made Marxists into capitalists who started to read the Chilean equivalent of the Wall Street Journal.  Ryan is overheard, “Yeah”  “That’s right.”

    For Ryan “defined benefit” programs such as Social Security and Medicare are problems in themselves. This isn’t something he saves for gatherings of the Ayn Rand Society, such concerns about “dependency” are scattered throughout his Path to Prosperity—again hidden in plain sight. This transcript doesn’t so much reveal a secret, as highlight a clear theme in his policy rationale that is always present, but in more public settings subordinated to his prophecies of fiscal apocalypse. Thus, it is no surprise his budget cuts the safety net and radically reshapes Medicare first and addresses the deficit later.


    In the published transcript Ryan states that like Rand, he views all political and policy questions as battle between individualism and collectivism.

    (2:38) In almost every fight we are involved in here, on Capitol Hill, whether it’s an amendment vote that I’ll take later on this afternoon, or a big piece of policy we’re putting through our Ways and Means Committee, it is a fight that usually comes down to one conflict: individualism vs. collectivism.