
Thursday, May 31, 2012

When Safe Abortion isn't a Choice

How they get even a single female vote is beyond me.


>>"Someone’s grandma might know about the old days. Drinking turpentine or Clorox, which is what the poorest women often did. They also took massive doses of quinine. Equally dangerous and, like the household cleaners, not a particularly effective abortifacient. Although as faded memories become urban myths no one seems to remember that these methods don’t work and often kill, and so they remain in the lexicon of “options.”

>>"Many women find their way to people who offer certain “skills.” Procedures, if you can even call them that, offered in back rooms. Rooms that don’t have an autoclave to sterilize tools or even basic resuscitation equipment. Some rooms have the essence of respectability, many do not. Almost none are operated by anyone who has more than a cursory knowledge of the reproductive tract.
On kitchen tables these women lie. Some might be offered a Valium or a Vicodin. For a price. It might ease the pain a little. These medications may also makes them less likely to cry during the sexual assault that can be part of the deal. After all, who is going to complain about getting raped at their illegal abortion?"

>>"But if she is so alone, so alone that she can’t fathom asking anyone she might take a stick, or a coat hanger, or a knitting needle and stick it up her vagina. She won’t know about the cervical os, the opening of the cervix, or that she has no hope of finding it blindinly. She’ll push. It will hurt. A lot. But she’s desperate. She might stick it into her uterus, or right through the uterus into bowel. After two or three days of fevers and cramping and vomiting she might go to the hospital and hopefully the damage and infection will be confined to her uterus. She might also slice through blood vessels and bleed to death by herself on her bathroom floor."

  They worship the fetus and loathe the child.
  And the mother doesn't count at all.
  This isn't about morals or morality. It's about control. It's about putting women in their place by frightened, bigotted, misogynic, and I use the term loosely, "men", that can't adjust to to women having control or an equal say in this country.

  They have been watching their control of every aspect of this country slip away for several decades and have decided to try and gain some sort of control by waging a war of sorts on women, children and the poor and disabled.

  But the 'ultimate insult' to their authority is in the White House and if it takes throwing the country under the bus to get him (President Obama) out of there then the disenfranchised and poor in the country are just collateral damage.

  Those crazy f**ks have got to be voted out and/or never voted in.
Especially jackholes like this...

Mississippi Representative Lester "Bubba" Carpenter gloating that he and his anti-choice cronies had passed a bill that could effectively put an end to safe, legal abortion in the state of Mississippi. The money quote:
It's going to be challenged, of course, in the Supreme Court and all — but literally, we stopped abortion in the state of Mississippi, legally, without having to — Roe vs. Wade. So we've done that. I was proud of it. The governor signed it into law. And of course, there you have the other side. They're like, 'Well, the poor pitiful women that can't afford to go out of state are just going to start doing them at home with a coat hanger. That's what we've learned over and over and over.'

But hey, you have to have moral values. You have to start somewhere."
Makes a person wonder if his parents had any intelligent children that lived.

Monday, May 28, 2012

So that’s what a telecaster sounds like…

There are no words for this kind of playing. He could do things with his hands that others needed electronics to accomplish.
I get goosebumps every time I listen to him.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sign uses racial slur to refer to President

WARNING!!!  There is strong language and subject matter in this post. I don't apologize for it. Like the guy that owns the bar, I'm just practicing free speech.

 This just in: racists remain racist. Local news, HuffPo, and MSNBC's The Ed Show have reported on the shocking roadside sign below, but the bar's website (above) includes a collection of past signs, a horribly dated mouse trail effect, and the inability to correctly spell the word "original." All very troubling. (screenshot below courtesy Fox News Atlanta)

PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. - Residents are upset about a sign in Paulding County that uses a racial slur to refer to President Barack Obama.
The sign, in front of the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar on Highway 113, uses the n-word to refer to President Obama.
"This world is supposed to be a peaceful world, not a world with hatred. This shouldn't be here today," said Carl Norman.
"He needs to wake up and realize it's 2012," said Dexter Murr.
Bar owner Patrick Lanzo says he's posted controversial signs outside his bar and restaurant for 26 years and says he's practicing free speech.
"I say just because you're offended by it doesn't mean you don't have the right to say something just the opposite," said Lanzo.
Lanzo said he doesn't feel any remorse over the sign.
"I don't feel bad about anything whatsoever. Therefore, they can go out and put their own sign in their own yard and I will not be offended," said Lanzo.
A list of house rules inside of Lanzo's bar lists one of the rules as 'no foul language.'
Residents of the small Draketown community had a mixed response.
"Everybody's entitled to own thought, it's not something I'd put in front of mine, but everybody's got their own opinions about everything," said Sherry Roew.
Some said they were afraid of the perception the sign gives Paulding County.
"I think it's terrible," said Carol Zimmerman.
Paulding County Administrator Mike Jones says he's well aware of the sign and considers it repulsive, embarrassing and offensive. He says if there was something they could do about it, it wouldn't be there.

He says that he is practicing free speech. Good for him. Thank goodness for free speech. With it I can say that I don't support the god damned, rat bastard,asshole son-of-a-bitch, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, inbred, waste of flesh redneck that owns that bar.

In honor of the dipshit that owns the bar, other stupid rednecks(not the smart ones), and the kkk.
 Maybe this is what's wrong with him.

Awww...ain't that a nice picture. A real father and son moment. Mom is probably the young boys' sister and would probably be in the photo if she wasn't having sex with his other brother.
Here's his grandparents.

 6 pack abs. They sure know how to impress the wimens.
 And it only took me 4 years of third grade to learn those 3 letters.

Redneck birth control. 
Where do stupid rednecks come from?
I would be remiss if I forgot their flag. 
I started this post over two hours ago and I'm still just as mad as when I started. I could go on and on about how stupid I think some rednecks are. 

I have rednecks in my family but none are as stupid as the ones in this article.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Forward...Ever Forward

If the 'Moonie' WashingtonTimes is to be believed, then there are all kinds of communist organizations with the word "forward" in their titles. Not just the new slogan for the President Obama's campaign.

There are those pinkos over at the Ronald W. Reagan Society and their Moving The Reagan Legacy Forward at Eureka College called 'Reagan Forward'. Here's a list of the commie donors.

To name a few;
  • Senior-Gifts of $25,000 or more in fiscal year.
  • The Honorable and Mrs. Frank Carlucci
    Caterpillar Inc./Caterpillar Foundation
    FedEx Corporation
  • Junior-  Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 in fiscal year.
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
    Jack Roeser – Family Taxpayers Foundation
    Saul Centers, Inc.Securing America’s Future Energy
    Sodexo Inc.
  • Sophomore- Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 in fiscal year.
  • Ambassador Barbara McConnell Barrett & Dr. Craig Barrett - Craig & Barbara Barrett Foundation
    Wayne Baum
    John & Nancy Bearce, Bearce Companies LLC
  • J. F. Lehman & Company, Inc.
    PNC Foundation
  • Freshman-  Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 in fiscal year.
  • Newt & Callista Gingrich.........The Honorable & Mrs. Edwin Meese III, 
  • The Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc.
  • Associate Member- Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 in fiscal year.
  • California Community Foundation Endowment Account
    Alberto Culver Company
    Donors Trust Inc.
    Edwina Doran
    Governor James Edgar & Brenda Edgar
  • Benefactors- Gifts of $1 to $999 in fiscal year.
  • American Legion Post 116
I bet some of those people would be surprised that they donate to communists.

Quick, someone call Rep. Allen West, R-Fla.