
Friday, February 17, 2012

POLOTICO44 Catches WH Flying Union Labor Flag In Milwaukee

Wisconsin Local 1848
Yup, they mistook the Wisconsin state flag as being the flag of Wisconsin Local 1848.

From past experience I know that some of you righties don't read or aren't capable of reading anything longer than 2 or 3 sentences so this is for you.


The right wing propaganda site Politico44 was so eager to try to do a smear job on President Barack Obama
and his visit to Milwaukee today that they failed to look before they leaped and ended up landing into a pile of foolishness with both feet.

The problem was, there is no union called “Wisconsin." However, the state of Wisconsin was founded in 1848 and Wisconites proudly represent this fact on the state flag, which the reporter bizarrely mistook for a union flag of “Wisconsin Local 1848.”  {HERE}

Once they realized how stupid they looked, they deleted the post (which appears to be a common thing for Republicans).

The story is by Donovan Slack

MILWAUKEE -- It's very clear what side President Obama is on here in Wisconsin.
Behind the stage where he will speak today are two flags: an American one, as usual, and right alongside it -- and a flag for the local union, Wisconsin 1848.
The president has been mum in recent months on the battle raging in the Badger State between unions and Republican Gov. Scott Walker, who is facing a recall election largely pushed by labor after he pushed through laws effectively taking away collective bargaining rights in the state.
Here at Master Lock, Obama is speaking about domestic manufaturing and highlighting what he calls "in-sourcing," bringing jobs back from overseas. The padlock manufacturer brought roughly 100 jobs back from China to this factory --union jobs, the White House has noted.
Walker had been expected to join the president but canceled this morning because his office said he has the flu.

Lucky thing walker had the "flu".

But you can join a 'LOCAL UNION 1848'

Until the teabaggers in Washington can figure out a way to stop the economic recovery Obama we can look forward to more lies and other so called 'factual' made up stories.

Remember back Oct. 2008 when then Mr. Obama visited Ohio with his very own flag?


On the October 15 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bob Grant said: "What is that flag that Obama's been standing in front of that looks like an American flag, but instead of having the field of 50 stars representing the 50 states, there's a circle?" He then said: "Is the circle the 'O' for Obama? Is that what it is?" Grant later said: "Did you notice Obama is not content with just having several American flags, plain old American flags with the 50 states represented by 50 stars? He has the 'O' flag. And that's what that 'O' is. That's what that 'O' is."


and another


Yeah, that's what the 'O' is. The OHIO state flag.

Or did Mr. Obama have the foresight to design his own flag in 1901 to have it adopted as the state flag in 1902 so he could hijack it when he is re-elected in 2012 when he completes his take-over of the country and later on.....

THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!

(Sinister laughter in the background.)

It could happen. So many of you wing-nutty teabaggers call him the "messiah" and "THE CHOSEN ONE", among other godly names. Do you know something about his 'holiness' that we don't?


If you had a brain cell between the lot of would have a brain cell.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Idiots and Zealots

Congressman thought parody article on Planned Parenthood was real

Republican House Rep. John Fleming of Louisiana has made himself the target of online ridicule after confusing a spoof article about Planned Parenthood as a factual news report, according to Politico.
An article posted to the Onion's website on May 18, 2011 is headlined, "Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex." Of course, as millions of readers already know, the Onion is a satirical news organization, which makes up fake parody stories about real people, places and things.
The fictitious article opens with the obviously made-up lead sentence: "Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday the grand opening of its long-planned $8 billion Abortionplex, a sprawling abortion facility that will allow the organization to terminate unborn lives with an efficiency never before thought possible."


Catholic Church Ups Ante Against Obama...Threatens Fighting in the Streets

“Never before, unprecedented in American history, for the federal government to line up against the Roman Catholic Church,” said Catholic League head Bill Donohue.
“This is going to be fought out with lawsuits, with court decisions, and, dare I say it, maybe even in the streets,” Donohue said.

More god fearing nutcases threatening violence if you don't do what they mandate in the name of their "god".

If they could only get that worked up and prosecute the baby rapists and child molesters that the catholic church seems to have an over abundance of. 

How many thousands or millions of women, especially catholic women, will vote against any candidate that sides with the catholic church.

How soon will the Snowbilly Grifter be canned when her contract is up?

She has been as wrong as the donald chump about who is going be the nominee. Maybe when it is whittled down to one one of those two will get it right. 

The only way President Obama will lose is if the Supreme Court gets involved and once again appoints a republican. If the election doesn't have any republican interference and is allowed to be free, fair and all Americans are allowed to vote the republicans will lose. BIG!!!!

But the republicans still have a few months to be the GRAND OBSTRUCTIONIST PARTY and they will try to put the country back into the ditch. If they do the American public is starting to see through their lies and  partisanship and will kick the republicans to the curb and help the democrats regain and stay in power for years to come.